Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura urged his horse forward so he could ride beside Akihime, staring intently at the stables of Riften.
When they arrived, Akihime politely asked Shadr to watch their horses, paying him at least a hundred gold for his trouble. Sasuke rolled his eyes; he would have opted to just watch the beasts himself had Yukimura not asked him to bear witness to the wedding.
Yukimura entered the town with Akihime, as to which they were met with curious glances and glares. Outsiders weren't welcome really, they always stirred things up and caused trouble.
A guard moved to Mistveil and informed Masamune. The Jarl smirked and stood, marching out to greet the visitors, "Well, well! What brings you and your nanny here, Red?" He greeted as he made his way towards them
"Ano, she isn't my nanny, her name is Akihime and we're getting married." He said, shifting uncomfortably. Megohime peered over Masamune's shoulder, stomach round with a her first child, to be born within the next month or two.
Megohime instantly disliked this cheery looking woman, something about her irritated her to her very core. "Yeah, listen to my husband, the only thing good about marriage is you won't get called a whore for sleeping with someone." She said. Yukimura blinked in surprise. "Masamune-dono, this is your wife?"
Masamune moved and placed Megohime before them, grinning, "This is Megohime, my dear wife." He introduced. Akihime smiled more, "You're with child~! How lovely!"
Megohime swatted Masamune's hands away, scowling angrily before looking at Akihime. "Well aret we the perceptive one?" She said. "Yes, I am with child." Yukimura bowed his head to Megohime. "It's nice to meet you, Megohime-dono!"
Akihime frowned at her bitterness and decided that it was best to just keep away from Megohime. Masamune sighed, "Excuse her, her hormones are crazy right now. She's usually more of a bitch to people." He stated.
Megohime scowled heavily and rolled her eyes. "She looks like bad news." She muttered, moving back behind Masamune.
"She looks fine. Jealous she's prettier than you and taller?" He whispered back. Akihime fidgeted with her Elven armor, "We don't wish to be rude, but we need to go to the Temple of Mara now..." She said.
Megohime simply jabbed a finger in the temples direction. "Get lost, it's that way." She hissed, not taking her eyes off of Masamune. "And you think that cow is prettier than me?" "Excuse me, Megohime-dono, I-" "The temple is that way." She hissed darkly.
Akihime looked incredibly offended by her words but bowed none the less, "Thank you, Lady Megohime. May the Divines bless you and your child." She turned to head towards the temple, "L-Let's go, Yukimura." She muttered. Masamune was glaring death at Megohime, "Rude."
Yukimura nodded and followed Akihime, stunned into silence from Megohime's rude behavior. "Oh I'm sorry, my hormones are crazy right now." She threw his words back into his face.
"You're being a bitch, hormones or otherwise. Go apologize to that poor girl, the fuck is wrong with you?" He hissed softly, pointing to where Akihime and Yukimura had gone, "She says 'hello' and that earns your venom? Unnecessary."
"I told you, she feels off!" She hissed back, making sure her tone was low so only Masamune could hear. "I get a bad feeling every time I look at her..!"
Masamune rolled his eyes and went to go witness the small ceremony for Yukimura and Akihime.

Akihime blushed shyly as she made sure her wedding dress was straight, fiddling with her bouquet of Dragons Tongue, "I-I'm so nervous..."
Yukimura was wearing fine red garments, standing before the shrine in the temple, waiting for the ceremony. "As am I.."
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