Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura pulled back, but didn't push her away, resting his forehead against hers. "Please forgive me.. I've gone to far, Akihime-dono.."
Yukimura looked around. "It's... It's a bit open... Would you like to finish up our meal and go on a walk?"
"Daisuki.." He spoke softly, allowing her to lean against him as he drank his stew, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"I would enjoy doing this again." Yukimura said, finishing off his own spiced wine, twining his fingers with hers.
Yukimura nodded, a small smile on his face. "Hai... I would very much enjoy your cooking, I certainly did this time."
Yukimura sat in his room, deep in thought and staring straight at the wall. He had been on many dates with Akihime in the last two months, and he wouldn't be young forever. Looking down at the Amulet of Mara in his hands he shifted nervously.
Yukimura's cheeks flushed and he quickly slipped the amulet into his coat. "Just relaxing..!" He said, praying his friend hadn't seen the amulet.
"Since you helped me on many dates... Will you help me... With the proposal..?" He asked, glancing at Sasuke.
Sasuke bit back the laugh, covering his mouth, "That's not really my department, danna...just wear the amulet and talk to her...! Try and keep calm...!"
Yukimura nodded and pulled the amulet out of his pocket, awkwardly slipping it on and standing. "Do you....have any tips..?"
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