Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Shingen gave a hearty laugh, "Of course, I shouldn't have even asked. You two are very smitten with each other." He stated. Sasuke hung upside down from one of the beams, "Sorry to interrupt, but it would be rude to keep her waiting." He said. Shingen nodded, "Of course. I give you permission to leave, Yukimura. And I wish you the best of luck."
"Oh! Of course!" Yukimura stood and headed out, walking quickly down to where Akihime waited. Once he arrived, he took a deep breath and approached her. "Akihime-dono?" He looked her over and his blush deepened even more. "Y-You look lovely..!"
Akihime turned and blushed, giving a curtsy, "Arigatou...you look very handsome tonight...n-not that you don't look handsome any other day! Y-You look more handsome tonight th-than you usually-! Ugh, Mara help me..." She sputtered
"Why don't we sit..?" Yukimura asked, trying to direct the awkwardness elsewhere. "It smells amazing, Akihime-dono; you prepared all this yourself?" He asked, then cleared his throat. "Oh! And these are for you..!" He said, holding the flowers out for her.
Akihime smiled brightly at the bouquet of Dragons Tongue, taking them gingerly, "They're beautiful, I love them...thank you." She said softly. She looked at the small feast she had prepared and nodded, "Hai, I cooked all of this with my own two hands." She started preparing his food shyly, "Otou-sama teases me and says that he thinks I'm the Gourmet...he's always loved my cooking.."
Yukimura watched her work carefully, smiling softly at how gentle and graceful she was, even just serving food she looked like the most beautiful sight in the world. "I bet it tastes as good as it smells.."
Akihime's entire face turned red and she shyly offered a bowl of Horker stew first, "Y-You flatter me, Yukimura.." She mumbled timidly, "W-Would you like some spiced wine, as well?"
Yukimura bowed his head before taking the stew. "Arigatou, and yes please." He said, picking up a spoon and tasting the stew. "Akihime-dono! This is amazing!"
Yukimura took the wine, his hand brushing hers as he did so and a new blush erupting on his face. "A-Arigatou.."
Her hand tingled and she felt her entire body grow hot, "Y-You're welcome..." She poured herself a tankard before making her own food, "If you want anything else, please ask, and I will serve it."
Yukimura took a sip of the spiced wine, setting it down and eating his food in silence. He had never been on a date, so he had no idea what to talk about with Akihime.
Akihime chewed silently on her spiced beef, staring at her lap. She was so nervous that she had no idea how to start up a conversation with him. Maybe she should just blurt something out. "Th-Thank you again for curing me of my Vampirism." She said quickly. It sounded incredibly awkward and she blushed brightly before closing her mouth and humbling herself
Yukimura looked up from his stew. "It was no problem! Really! If you need to be cured again, I'd be happy to help." He said, then kicked himself mentally.
Akihime lowered her gaze slightly but brightened up to assure him she wasn't offended, "If I ever need your help with anything, I promise to come to you first, Yukimura." She said kindly. She moved a bit closer, "You have shown me more kindness than I've ever really received from anyone. Not even my own father is as kind to me as you have been. I always felt so...undeserving of your friendship..."
Yukimura set his stew down, shifting closer himself. "You are more than deserving of my company.. I am blessed to have met you, Akihime.."
Akihime didn't even realize how close she was to him until she felt her leg press against his. She blushed and smiled softly, "No, Yukimura...I'm the one who is blessed to have met you. And I don't regret it...not one bit..."
Yukimura shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck. "A-Akihime..?" He asked softly.
"N-No! Don't apologize..!" He placed his hand over hers. "I... Wanted to know if I could kiss you..?"
Yukimura nodded before leaning in and gently pressing his lips against hers, placing one hand on her cheek.
Yukimura's entire body felt hot as he slowly begain to pull her into his lap, eyes closed as he held the kiss.
She made a small noise as her body pressed against his. She fit perfectly against him, like a puzzle piece. She gave silent thanks to Her Benevolence, feeling as though it was Mara Herself who brought her to Yukimura.
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