Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((I honestly have nothing else if can think of to bond Jingu more with Kojurou~ :'3))

Yukimura looked stunned. "Really? It works that often..!?" He asked, looking to Akihime. "So what should I- That person say to the lovely lady?"
((Haha that's ok, we can try again later~))

Sasuke rose his eyebrow before making a noise, "Just come off as a little stand off-ish...tell her...oh! Tell her that her figure is as deadly as Nightshade and is as addicting as Skooma." He told him, "That'll rope her in real easy."
((Oh gods Sasuke no why??))

Yukimura repeated his words, nodding. "Deadly as Nightshade, addicting as Skooma... Are you sure it doesn't come off as crude?"
((*rolling on the floor dying*))

"Nah~ trust me, danna, it'll work." Sasuke assured. Akihime waved farewell to Heimskr before heading off to walk around.
Yukimura nodded and readied himself, approaching Akihime. The poor lad look incredibly awkward and uncomfortable, stiff as a board. "Akihime-dono! Y-Your body is as deadly as Nightshade and as addicting as Skooma..!" He blurted out.
((*falls out of her chair as she howls with laughter*))

Akihime turned, eyes wide as she looked over at him, "M-Master Sanada? A-Are you feeling all right?" She asked. Sasuke covered his mouth to fight his laughter before calming down and peeking out at Yukimura, "Pssst! Danna...!" He called softly, "Come here...! I got a better idea...!"
((Sasuke no, we've discussed this.))

Yukimura blushed heavily and glanced toward the wall. "P-Please wait a minute." He said before hurrying over to the wall, whispering to it like a madman. "Sh-She didn't seem to like the compliment.."
((Sasuke, no. Stop.))

"I can see that." Sasuke smirked amusedly as he watched Akihime stand awkwardly in the middle of the Cloud District. "Ok, so what I told you about girls hating being called pretty isn't entirely true...a lot of the women I was with got really mad but I think Otani might like it. Tell her that Dibella's beauty pales compared her own, that her voice is sweeter than pure honey and that the whole of Skyrim seemed empty until you met her. And here," Sasuke pulled a Dragon's Tongue from his pouch, "Work this in, too."
((IhopeyouknowthatImeanttheflowerandnotanactualdragontongueright? ;7; ))

"Offer it before you speak, while or speak or after, it doesn't really matter, danna. Now hurry, before she comes over here." Sasuke told him
Yukimura nodded and hurried back to Akihime, holding the flower out in front of him. "F-For you!" He said, then cleared his throat. "And may I say that Dibella's beauty pales compared your own, and that voice is sweeter than purest of honey and that the whole of Skyrim seemed void and gray until I met you..!" Still it sounded stiff and awkward, but he was trying.
Sasuke covered his eyes with his hand and sighed, "Loosen up, danna, geeze.." He muttered. Akihime blushed heavily as she took her coveted flower, "Y-You really mean that...?" She asked shyly. She played with the golden petels softly, "You even guessed my favorite flower correctly." She muttered. Sasuke looked surprised, "Nani?" He murmured. Akihime looked up at Yukimura, "W-Would you...want to have dinner with me tonight, Yukimura...?" She asked
"Wonderful! We could go to the Bannered Mare, or I could cook for you if you wish!" She was practically trembling with delight; she had always been too shy to approach Yukimura and he didn't seem all that interested in companionship; it seemed like a far-away dream she would never grasp. Mara works in mysterious ways, she gathered.
Akihime blushed more and began to sputter joyful gibberish before calming herself, "All right! We can have a picnic out in the field just outside Whiterun, to the north! I'll be waiting for you at seven...!"
((Oh! Hai-hai!))

Akihime stood out in the field waiting for Yukimura, their picnic dinner already set up and ready; an iron pot full of Horker stew, some spiced beef and mammoth cheese (she humbly and very carefully asked a giant for a single bowl of the precious cheese), braided bread and a couple juniper berry crostatas for dessert along with a bottle of spiced wine she had shipped from Solitude. She made sure her dress was perfect and her hair was left down with braids on each side of her face. She would admit that she was very nervous
Yukimura had just freshly washed up, leaving both swords on his desk as he pulled on his nicest clothing and fixed his hair, which ran down his back in a long braid, red head hand beside his blades. He had gone out earlier to get a bouquet of Dragons Tongue, which took him several hours and quite a long distance, but it was worth it. Picking up the flowers gently, he let out a breath, cheeks pink as he went to ask Shingen for his leave, plenty of time still left. "O-Oyakata-sama...! I, Sanada Genjirou Yukimura humbly ask for leave on this night!"
Shingen looked him over with a faint smirk, "Going courting tonight, Yukimura?" He asked, "Who's the lucky woman who's heart you seek to claim?"
Yukimura grew even more embarrassed. "A-Akihime-dono, M'lord!" He said, casting his gaze down.
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