Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

After telling her men of their arrangements, they nodded in approval, heading off to their barracks to pack away their things.
"Wonder where Her Majesty, Megohime, ran off to.." "What are yo talking about, Masamune-sama?" Kojurou asked. Masamune looked, "Oh right, I didn't tell you...we're getting married." "Nani!?"
"I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Megohime growled softly as she came into the room, arms crossed over her chest.
"You're right, I'll start calling you Mego again." He teased. Kojurou blinked, "When was...this arranged...!?" "When she got back." Masamune answered
"Megohime desu!" She hissed at him, clenching her fists.

Jingu was out in the practice yard with a few of her men, practicing from as far back as she could stand, honey colored eyes trained on the target.
Jingu didn't even glance at him, letting her arrow fly and watching it hit her target. "The point of practice is to get better, is it not?" She asked amusedly. "If I do something I'm already good at," She notched another arrow. "How will I improve?" Letting her second arrow fly, it hit it's mark exactly, but she grimaced. "It needs more work." She said, lowering the glowing pale gold bow to her side. "Is there anything you need, Katakura-sama?"
"That is very kind of you." She bowed to him and put her bow on her back. "And if there is anything I can do for you, do not hesitate to tell me."
Jingu was surprised by his straightforwardness, but nodded. "It is." She said, taking it off her back so he could see it. "I've been entrusted to keep it safe as long as I live."
Jingu didn't pull the bow away. "Hai... Getting it was very difficult, but keeping it safe is even harder." "If you two are done with the you show me yours I show you mine, Masamune needs you Kojurou." Megohime piped up from behind Kojurou, making Jingu blush.
Masamune and Kojurou spoke of where to place Jingu and her forces. Hidemune watched Jingu from a distance, having a fresh catch of salmon to bring to Mistveil
Jingu felt eyes on her and she lowered her weapon, looking around before spotting Hidemune and waving him over.
"Katakura-sama said to ask for you if I needed help, but I don't think we've been properly introduced." She said and held out her hand. "Jingu desu."
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