Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Please, Hidemune-dono, such formalities are not needed, a simple handshake would have sufficed." She teased, but smiled warmly.
"G-Gomen! Kojurou-san always told me to treat ladies with respect, so I-I thought..." He was so flustered; Jingu seemed and was more approachable than Megohime was
She placed a hand on his shoulder, laughing softly. "Don't worry about it... Katakura-sama is a good man, and you seem like a fine young man yourself."
((So many plots and no means to enact them! We could do more Kojurou/Jingu development...! We're gonna have to if we wanna do the thing without jumping too far ahead.))
Five months had passed and Jingu kept up her end of the deal, making sure Riften and it's neighboring lands were safe from bandits and dragons, and within those few months, Megohime's stomach began to swell with new life, a golden ring around her finger.
"Ya need to lay off the sweet rolls, hun." Masamune teased, petting Megohime's stomach gently. Kojurou brought Jingu and her followers some food and drink, Hidemune carrying some of the food as well
Megohime's cheeks flushed red and she smacked his hand away before standing. "I was going to say the same to you, and perhaps you shouldn't lay off your training, you've been rather flabby lately." She said before leaving to go to the small library.

Jingu was out on watch just outside Riften, bow on her back and eyes searching for danger.
"Hey now, I was only teasing." Masamune chased after her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek, "Thought of a name yet?" He whispered affectionately

"Jingu-dono!" Kojurou called. He and Hidemune approached with the sacks of food and ale, gently setting them down beside her, "We brought food...!" Hidemune smiled
Megohime thought about elbowing him, but nodded instead. "Irohahime.." She said softly. "Her name will be Irohahime."

Jingu smiled and took the food and drink gladly. "Thank you, why don't both of you come and join me? I would love the company."
"You're so confident that it'll be a girl." He said with a teasing smile

"Hai!" They both agreed and sat with her, "How is everything?" Kojurou asked
"Of course I am..!" She rested a hand on her stomach. "I can just tell, ya know..?" She said softly, smiling.

"Everything is going better than expected." She said, taking a bite of warm bread.
"Yeah, me too." She said, leaning into him slightly. "But anymore sweet roll jokes and you won't be seeing her." She warned, nudging him lightly.

Jingu shook her head. "None, which is very good news." She said.
Masamune chuckled, "Fair enough."

"Bery good news indeed." Kojurou said. Hidemune looked around and smiled at the peace of the Rift. It seemed so untouched by the rest of Skyrim. He loved it.
Megohime made a noise. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the library." She said.

Jingu nodded. "I just hope the peace here lasts a bit longer."
"A'right, a'right.." Masamune let her leave before leaving Mistveil and going towards the back of Riften to meet up with a mysterious woman

"Hai...I would lament if my sweet Rift was destroyed..." Hidemune said. Kojurou nodded, "As would I."
Jingu uncorked a bottle of mead and took a few sips. "How is the fishing going, Hidemune?" Jingu asked.

Megohime watched him leave with a small frown, but took a seat and pulled out a book.
"The salmon are breeding like rabbits this season!" Hidemune beamed in delight, "I could catch a whole school and there would still be enough in the lake to feed the entirety of the Rift~!"

Akihime stood at the Shrine of Talos, talking with Heimskr about the Man-God of Tamriel, enjoying a laugh and a new kinship with the Priest of Talos.
"That's wonderful, Hidemune!" Jingu said, smiling brightly. "I'll have to come down to the docks and learn from the master." She said.

Yukimura had been following Akihime from afar ever since they returned. Every time he spoke to her his heart would speed up and his palms would grow sweaty. Making sure he was away from the daily rabble, he leaned against a shady wall. "Sasuke?"
Hidemune blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "I only go by what Bolli taught me." He said bashfully

((*laughs* Horrible Girl Advice 101!))

"What can I do for you, danna?" Sasuke asked from the other side of the wall, resting his hands behind his head
Jingu laughed again before looking at Kojurou. "Katakura-sama, you're awfully quiet today, is everything alright?"


"If.. One were to go about asking a lovely woman out on a date... How would someone accomplish such a thing?" Yukimura asked, rubbing his neck.
"Hm?" Kojurou looked to her and smiled softly, "Hai. Just listening to you two talk."

Sasuke scratched his cheek, trying to remember how he courted noble women to get information, "Uh, well, don't tell her she's pretty. They hate that. Be kind of a jerk, the ladies love the rough types." He smirked softly to himself, "Actually, that alone works 85% of the time.."

((*cracking up so hard*))
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