Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

A few shadows sat in the trees, figures disappearing behind boulders as they approached the fort, Jingu moving to greet Kojurou with a low bow. "Katakura-sama, as to what pleasure do I have you here today?"
Kojurou bowed in return, "Riften is in need of your help. The growing dragon plague has cost us many a soldier. I do not wish to offend you but...the Jarl and I were wondering if you and your fellow warriors would be willing to help us strengthen our ranks."
Jingu bowed lowly to Kojurou. "We would be honored to help aid the Jarl of Riften." She said. "When should my men and I head out?"
"I shall assemble my men immediately, Katakura-sama. Shall we base here or in Riften itself?" She asked, armor clinking as she shifted.
"Hai. You can give me a moment to gather my men and we may travel together or I shall meet you there, whichever suits you best." She said.
Jingu shook her head with a small smile. "I understand, I'll only be a while." She said, heading off to gather needed supplies and round up her men, which only took about twenty minutes. "We're ready to go." Jingu said, returning to Kojurou.
"You all seem to be very skilled. I will admit that I was the one who wished for your aid.." His cheeks turned faintly pink, "Masamune-sama didn't really seem to mind."
Jingu stared at him for a moment before a faint smile appeared on her face. "Regardless whom asked for my assistance, I'm glad to lend a hand."
Kojurou cleared his throat, "I hope your warrirors won't be disapproving. But they get hot food, cold mead and warm lodgings. That's what the guards enjoy the most."
"That is very generous, thank you." She said, then gave a sympathetic smile. "Unfortunately we do need pay, though it isn't much to hire us. Only fifteen hundred septims for the lot of us."
"You needn't worry about that. Masamune-sama has that covered." He assured her. When they arrived in Riften and made their way into Mistveil Keep, Kojurou took Jingu to see Masamune, "My Jarl, this is the woman I told you about." "Oh, the mercenary chief? Excellent, I was wondering when you both would come back." Masamune said
Jingu's warriors waited outside the keep while Jingu approached the Jarl of Riften. Bowing deepy to him in greeting, she spoke. "Hai, please forgive our lateness."
Masamune waved his hand. "So the deal is: my guardsman defending the farms and villages of the Reach are getting killed by bandits and the occasional dragon. Kojurou has spoken in high regard of your men and I ask of you to help protect my people. You will be given housing as well as access to any smithy in the Reach for new armor with as much food and mead as you and your company can stomach."
"That is quite generous, and I will make sure none of my men step out of line or get out of hand. We will only take what is nesiscary. But our fee still stands; fifteen hundred septims." She said, though there was no force in her tone.
Masamune rubbed his chin, eyeing her, "Kojurou." "Hai, Masamune-sama." "Be sure my steward gives this woman and her brave fighters double the amount she asked for plus compinsation should any of her followers be felled." Masamune said calmly. Kojurou bowed, "Hai."
Jingu bowed to Masamune. "Your pay is as generous as you, M'lord." She said. "My men and I give you our thanks." She said.
"Arigatou, now, if you'll excuse me, I'll inform my men of the conditions." She said, bowing once more before heading for the door.
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