Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya gave a hard tug to his hair as her release hit her, moaning weakly and panting heavily.
Amaya panted heavily, trying to catch her breath, death gripping the head headboard now, body covered in sweat.
He chuckled softly and relaxed, "You can stay out here, if you like. Actually, you're free to go entirely...but you have to let me know if you ever plan on leaving Whiterun."
Amaya frowned softly; she hadn't actually thought she'd be let free. She either thought she'd die or rot in the small cell. "Hai..."
"I wouldn't know what to do with myself." She murmured. "I don't have any especially good people skills."
Amaya smiled softly, but it was quickly replaced by a frown. "I cannot simply hide forever... Perhaps I should accept a traitors death at the hands of Mitsunari-sama.."
"You know that if you just up and left, she'd go hunting for you." He looked to her with his head resting on his hand, "Then she'd find you dead and then try and kill Mitsunari and then be executed for treason." He explained blandly
She made a soft noise and rested one hand on her chest. "I know... Perhaps it would be better if I stayed and kept an eye on her instead."
"Maybe if you called me Amaya-sama I'd consider staying." She said, a testing smirk crossing her face.
Amaya's cheeks dusted pink and she made a soft grunt. "I guess I can stay, but only if I can wear real clothing."
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