Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I promise, I won't leave unless I inform you..." She said, then added. "I've... Grown find of you too."
Amaya touched her hair, letting out a soft sigh. "It'll grow back, and it was getting a bit too long.."
"Not like I can really change it." She said, sitting up and running her scarred fingers through her silvery hair to brush it.
"Well, I was hoping to see you on the floor, but I suppose I can make room on your bed." She teased.
Jingu drew in a breath aiming her arrow at the target letting the string fly and watching as the arrow hit right on the mark. A small smile of satisfaction crossed her face and she reached into her quiver, pulling out a new arrow and notching it.
"Jingu-sama!" One of her younger recruits came running over, a make Khajiit with a kissing tail. "The Housecarl of Riften is out wandering in our territory again, what should we do?" She lowered her weapon and put the arrow back into the quiver and the bow on her back. "Invite him here and make sure he gets here safely." "Hai!" The Khajiit ran off quickly to find Kojurou. "Katakura-dono, Lady Jingu has sent me to greet you, what brings you here?"
"The Jarl of Riften himself eh?" His ear twitched and he nodded his head. "I'll take you to her." He said and headed off, leading him to Jingu.
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