Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Akihime sat on the steps to the pond under the bridge to Dragons Reach, staring at the skeleton floating in the middle of the water. Slowly resting her head in her hand, she gave a confused noise, never taking her eyes off the skeleton
Yukimura stopped when he saw Akihime, cheeks flushing red again as he watched the sunlight dance off her hair. "Akihime-dono?" He called, moving over and sitting beside her.
Yukimura shifted, maybe he could get the amulet to flash in the sunlight of get it to sway so it'd make a noise? "I'm well!" He said.
Yukimura noticed her staring at the Amulet and he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling giddily. "Yes?"
"You're wearing an Amulet of Mara...a-and we've been together a few moons already..." She pieced it together and looked into the water shyly, "O-Oh..."
Yukimura looked down at the water as well. "I apologize if this is so sudden.." He said, a wave of nervousness washing over him.
"No..." She smiled sadly, "I would love nothing more than to be your wife, but...being with me puts you at risk for harm...my Gift is sought after all over Tamriel; death has followed me everywhere...the thought of a similar fate befalling you.." She gripped his hand tight, "I would go to great lengths to protect you, Yukimura...even if it meant forsaking the Nine and drowning us all in blood.." She murmured
Yukimura smiled. "And I will take you as my wife, no matter what the consequences, they are nothing compared to my love for you."
Yukimura wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and smiling happily.

((Do you wanna skip ahead or~?))
Sasuke walked alongside Yukimura's horse as they made their way to Riften for the wedding. Maramal was more than happy to agree to holding the ceremony; even going so far as to say he would host it the very next day after receiving the letter from Akihime. The Assassin watched as Amaya and Akihime rode ahead of them, "Here's hoping she's a good wife to you."
Amaya walked beside Akihime's horse, keeping her safe and chatting to keep her occupied. "I think she's the perfect wife already." He murmured softly.
Sasuke shrugged, "Maybe its because I'm not one to be tied down." He said. He glanced at Amaya before watching the road, "Marriage seems like a 'your life is now over' kinda thing..."
"Not at all, Sasuke!" He said. "Just because one has we'd does not mean your life has ended, it means you have gained a new companion to spend it with on your adventures!" Not his own words; they were Shingen's words of encouragement to Yukimura before he had left.
Sasuke made a noise; he didn't like the idea of settling down with someone. Attatchments alone were risky. Akihime looked back, beaming with joy, "I can see the stables, we're almost there~!"
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