Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we firs learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learned that a life lived alone is no life at all. We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and in hardship." Akihime shyly linked her pinkie with Yukimura's, blushing darkly. Maramal smiled and looked to Yukimura, "Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?"
Maramal looked to Akihime, "Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?" "I do. Now and forever." She replied. Maramal rose his hands and grinned, "Under the authority of Mara, Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed." He stated. He gently took two gold rings into his hand and presented them to the two, "I present the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara's grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together." Akihime took one ring and turned to Yukimura, slipping the Bond of Matrimony onto his left ring finger, smiling widely.
Yukimura took her wedding ring, gently slipping it onto her ring finger as well, returning her smile for one of his own.
Amaya gave him a small nudge with her knee, something that was barely even noticeable, a small warning to not do anything in public, but Sasuke already knew that. Since she had been allowed to roam freely, she had made small braids in her hair, pulling her bangs out of her face. Yukimura held Akihime, kissing her on the temple.
Sasuke glanced at her and smiled faintly; as if he would do anything to ruin Yukimura's perfect day today. Masamune moved over to Yukimura and clapped him on the back, "Good on ya, kid. I wish you both the best."
Yukimura nodded. "Arigatou! As do I with your wife..!" He said, lacing his fingers with Akihime's.
"I'm gonna need it, huh?" Masamune laughed softly. Akihime held Yukimura's hand tight and leaned against him, smiling contently, "Would it be all right if we stayed here before returning to Whiterun?" She asked. Masamune waved his hand, "Sure, go ahead. Unless you wanna head somewhere else to enjoy your honeymoon, Red~?"
Yukimura's cheeks flushed and he scratched the side of his head. "Do you really honeymoon directly after the wedding?" He muttered to himself. "Ah, but of course we'll stay..!"
Masamune chuckled and shook his head, "Wow...a'right, kid, I'll tell Keerava to let you guys stay the night free. On me." "Oh, you don't have to!" Akihime protested. He shook his head, "Consider it a small gift for you newly weds."
Yukimura bowed to Masamune. "I am truly grateful, Masamune-dono!" He said. Someone cleared her throat at the door, Megohime, eyes averted from Akihime as she stood there awkwardly. "Your dress doesn't look as bad as I thought it would." She muttered, her way of trying to make nice.
Akihime blushed and bowed, smiling, "Arigatou gozaimasu, Megohime-dono...!" She chirped. Masamune pulled Megohime over and held her, "They're staying at the Bee and Barb for the night before heading out tomorrow. So be nice and give them your blessing for a happy marriage." He told her; it wasn't threatening or commanding, more like a gentle nudge to act more like a Jarl's wife and not a thug's whore.
She ground her teeth and growled softly. "You owe me." She muttered before looking to Akihime and Yukimura, pulling a fake smile out of her ass. "You have my blessing as the Jarl's wife, and my your marriage be long and prosperous."
Yukimura gave Akihime's hand a small squeeze. "Let's get some dinner, Akihime."

(( (*゚▽゚*) Shall we have baby Iroh and baby Daisuke~?))
"Daisuke! Watch this!" The sound of a spell being cast could be heard from the room beside the Jarl's, followed by the sound of a giggling young girl. A bright orb floated above the black haired girl, her blue eyes glittering with excitement.
"Whooooooooa...sugoi ne~!" Entranced auburn colored eyes followed the glowing orb, messy long chocolate colored hair pulled into a low braid. "You're so good with this magic stuff, Iroh-chan..."
"Yeah, but you're better than me with the daggers." She said, brushing her hair from her face, the bangs framing her face braided at the ends. "Ne..." She got a mischievous look on her face and made sure no one was around. "I've been working on my own spells and I think I've finally finished this one, wanna see it?"
She nodded and got ready to cast her spell, raising one hand before sending a light off into the air, just identical to her previous spell cast, but this time, it flew back towards her and hit her in the chest, sending her sprawling on the floor with an 'oof'. "I'm okay..." She muttered, sitting up and rubbing her head, which was now glowing, well her hair to be more exact. It was now white and glowing just like a light.
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