Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"No...when you get a little older, maybe, but you're a bit too young...look what you did to your hair..." He said, ruffling her now snow white tresses
"Otou-sama! Please? I promise to be careful! I wanna go see the College of Winterhold and one day, I'm gonna be the Arch Mage." She grinned.
Irohahime stuck her tongue out at Masamune, crossing her arms. "Masamune-sama the guard said you were in here with Iroh- Sweet Talos Iroh!" Megohime had come looking for the two when they didn't show, moving inside quickly and over to Irohahime when she saw her hair. "What did you do?" She growled at Masamune.
"Oh, yeah, blame me again. She was playing with magic, again, and messed up her hair." "I-It's true, Megohime-dono." Daisuke said nervously from the door
Megohime glared down at Irohahime and the girl looked away. "Is this true?" "H-Hai... Okaa-sama.." Megohime frowned heavily and kneeled before Iroh, putting a hand on her head. "No more magic, promise? You're going to get really hurt one of these days." "But Okaa-san!" "No buts, no more magic." "Hai..."
Masamune didn't even argue with the fact that she would rather listen to her mother than him. He just shook his head and left, "I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back." He said. Daisuke watched him leave with a frown before looking to Irohahime
Megohime suddenly got a dangerous look on her face, standing up she looked to Daisuke. "Why don't you and Iroh go and play inside." She said before following after Masamune.
Daisuke frowned and took Irohahime's hand, "Come on, I'll show you a new trick I learned from Sasuke!" He said. Masamune moved down towards the docks, making sure he wasn't followed before making his way towards a young woman long raven black hair and bright amber eyes. "Iisaka...?" "Masamune-sama...!" She threw herself on him and he held her tight, smiling faintly
"So, this is the whore you've been going to see all this time." Megohime spoke from behind them, staring at the both of them with cold, hate-filled fuchsia eyes, arms crossed over her chest. "I mean, I noticed your absence of course, but when my loving husband kept sneaking off late at night, I got curious."
Iisaka looked over and stared at Megohime, "That's your wife?" She asked. Masamune sighed, knowing he had been caught, "Yeah...that's my wife.." He answered. He turned to Megohime and scowled, "Look, Mego...I tolerated your shit for a very long time and even adored you for it. But that bitchy-cunt attitude you got going is killing it for me. I can't even enjoy dinner with Iroh without you breathing fire down my neck." "Besides~ I was here first~" Iisaka stated haughtily. Masamune half shrugged, as if saying she had a point. "Where do you think Hidemune came from~? The Khajiit caravan?" Iisaka added
Megohime's eyes blazed fire and she glared down Iisaka. "Shut your mouth whore, I'm not talking to you." She hissed, returning her deadly gaze to Masamune. "How much have you been paying her? I'd wager she's only worth ten septims." She said, faking a sympathetic tone. "Hope you don't catch anything." She turned on her heal. "Keep sleeping with the harlot, but if you do." She looked over her shoulder, a cold, murderous glint in her eyes. "I'll kill her." She said, heading back to Mistveil keep, stalking angrily to the room she shared with Masamune before breaking down and swiping food and cups off the table, clenching her jaw to silence her crying.
((Aw, Mego...she loves him but she's too much of a bitch to admit it :c ))

There was a soft knock on the door, "Megohime-dono?" It was Kojurou; perfect timing as always, "Is everything all right?"
Megohime wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "I'm fine, Kojurou." She said, slowly sitting down on the floor. "Leave me.."

((She doesn't want to seem weak, especially around Masa, so she puts up walls with barbed wires.))
"I'm fine!" She snapped. "Go watch Irohahime for a while..." She said, resting her forehead against her knees.

((Now I can start my plan as soon as he leaves~))
((Nope~! Kojurou~!))

"Otou-sama..?" Irohahime sat at the table with Masamune, eating her dinner and fidgeting. "Okaa-sama was crying earlier... Is she okay?" Megohime had not come down for dinner, still locked up in the master bedroom.
"Why do you and Kaa-san fight so much?" "Masamune-sama!" One of the maids came running down the stairs, clutching something in her hand. "Megohime-dono-" She glanced at Irohahime, then back to Masamune. "I-It's urgent, my lord, and I do not think this should be discussed in front of Irohahime-dono." She said.
Irohahime frowned and watched Masamune leave. The maid turned to Masamune once they were out of sight and earshot of Irohahime, opening her hand and holding it out to present him with Megohime's gold wedding band, dried blood speckling it. "No one can find her." She whispered.
Masamune frowned and took the ring, "Damn...I'll send word to keep an eye out for her...I'll grab Kojurou and Jingu and we'll begin a search after Iroh goes to bed...tell her when she wakes up that I had Jarl duties with Kojurou and Mego." He muttered
"Understood." She nodded. "Shall I take Irohahime-dono to bed right away?" She asked, frowning softly.
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