Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Hai-hai!" She sat down next to the bucket full of fish, poking at a dead salmon. "You ever catch any slaughter fish? I need some scales for some of my potions."
"There aren't any Slaughterfish in the lake, nee-chan," He said amusedly, "But I think I know a river heading towards Whiterun that has Slaughterfish...!"
"Cool." She smiled more and looked down at the water, frowning at her white hair. "I look old."
Irohahime's cheeks flushed and she smiled, touching her white strands. Anything Hidemune told her seemed to woo Irohahime over, the girl always listened to what he had to say, and she even listened to Hidemune more than she did Masamune of Megohime. "Arigatou, Onii-sama!"
Hidemune dragged the salmon into his workshop and set them with his Frost Atronach before heading out with Irohahime to find alchemy ingredients.
Hidemune picked some mountain flowers and plucked the wings from some butterflies and moths for her, even catching a few bees so she wouldn't get stung
Irohahime's satchel was nearly packed full with flowers, butterfly wings, bees, and mushrooms when they were done. "Onii-sama, have you ever seen a bear?"
"Aw... I need bear claws." She frowned softly. "But I can do without." She said and skipped ahead.
Irohahime scurried off to her room, working on her potions and reading her books, occasionally casting a Mage Light spell to keep light on her studies, though her hair already helped with that.
Thirteen-year-old Irohahime sat at the table with Masamune, Megohime being pregnant with her second child out with Jingu getting sun. "Otou-sama?" She glanced up from her breakfast. "I'd like to go to college in Winterhold." She said, brushing her white hair out of her face. It had grown quite long but she planned on cutting it soon.
"Out of the question." Masamune stated casually, reaching for his mead, "Too far north and the mage's there are untrustworthy with a Jarl's daughter."
Irohahime frowned softly and just before he was about to take a sip, she flicked her pointer finger and the entire bottle froze over, the mead frozen solid, but Masamune was untouched. "Please?" She said softly. "Think about it?"
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