Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Iroha-chan, I'm so proud of you but that," He gestured to where the bunny was, "That is unacceptable. If people found out, you would get in trouble...! I don't want that...!"
She laughed, but it was bitter. "Why is everyone so scared of magic? With more experimenting... Maybe people don't have to die anymore."
"Its natural law, Irohahime. If you don't want to follow the laws the Divines have left for us, then..." He stopped, faultering, but put on a hard expression, "Then I don't think we should be friends any longer. I'm sorry you made such a long trip for nothing. You may stay in the Bannered Mare for the night before returning home or you can just leave now. Either way, I don't want to speak to you until you realize the err of your ways." He stated firmly before turning on his heel and walking back to Whiterun.
Irohahime waited until Daisuke was out of sight before she let out a scream of anger, throwing her satchel down and nearly incinerating a rock with a firebolt. She grabbed her pack, throwing it over her shoulder and trekking towards home, to angry to even go back to grab her horse.
When Daisuke returned home, Akihime looked up and frowned worriedly, seeing the hurt in his eyes, "Daisuke?" She asked. His strong expression broke into an expression of heart break before he started to sob, dropping to his knees and covering his face. Akihime rushed over quickly and held him tight, cooing gently and rubbing his back
Yukimura frowned heavily and moved over. "Daisuke? What happened? Where's Irohahime?" He asked, kneeling beside his son.
"Yukimura-sama, no.." Akihime shook her head, signalling him not to ask; as if she knew everything without even needing to question it. Daisuke continued to sob, clinging to his mother for dear life.
Irohahime returned to Riften just after sun-high the next day, trudging up to her room without even saying so much as a hello to anyone, eyes puffy from crying and her clothes dirty from the walk.
Irohahime dropped her bag on the floor and flopped onto her bed. "Nothing... Just..." She took a deep breath. "You thought over my question yet?" She asked softly.
He sighed heavily and crossed his arms, "I've decided...that you can go to the Mage College...your only condition is that you write to us every week informing us of how things are going and if you're well. If you get so much as a sneeze, we have to know. Understand?"
Irohahime's eyes lit up and she jumped up, hugging Masamune tightly. "Arigatou, Tou-sama!" She grinned, her anger momentarily forgotten. "When can I leave? Can I go now?"
"The earliest I'm allowing is in the morning. Spend some time with your mother before you leave..." He told her, "She's already upset that I said yes.."
She kissed his cheek and let go. "I will, thank you, thank you!" She said before hurrying out to find Megohime.

Irohahime spent the rest of the day with Megohime, and the following morning, she was packed and ready to go, loading her pack into the carriage before turning to say her final goodbyes to her family.
"You be careful while you're over there, kiddo. Remember; I want a letter from you every week." Masamune told her before hugging her tight. Kojurou moved to Irohahime and cleared his throat gently, "Jingu-dono and I invested in a farewell gift..." He held out a Staff of Incineration to her, "Please use it wisely."
"Oh wow.. Arigatou, Jingu! Kojurou!" She bowed to both of them before carefully setting the staff next to her pack, turning to hug her mother goodbye. "Kaa-sama... You're crushing me.." Irohahime wheezed. Megohime let go and cupped Irohahime's face. "You stay safe, you hear me?" "Yes, Kaa-sama." Megohime kissed her forehead and stepped back, letting Hidemune have his turn.
Hidemune hugged Irohahime tight, "I'm so proud of you, Nee-chan...you be careful and eat plenty of salmon so you don't forget me, ok?" He sounded like he was going to cry, "I'm gonna miss you so much.."
"I promise." She hugged him back tightly. "I'll be back! I promise." She said, letting go and taking a step back. She gave one more wave to everyone before getting onto the carriage and then she was off, heading up to Winterhold.

((You ready for the happiest time in Megohime's life~?))
Irohahime sent letters every week, just like she promised. Sometimes they would explain how much further she had gotten with her magic, and how much farther she had to go, other times it was simply about the college, or the friends she had made while there. Irohahime trekked through the snow, her breath coming out in white puffs in the cold mountain air. She looked down at her map and frowned. "Talos.. I'm lost.." She folded her map up and put it back in her pack before continuing on. She was fourteen now, going to be fifteen in less then nine months. She nearly stumbled when the winds picked up, easily cutting through her parka. Shivering she looked around for a sign or a cave, a snow storm was rolling in and she needed to find shelter before it became a full blown whiteout. Spotting a well-trodden path, she hurried up it, the snow and wind picking up as she reached stone stairs leading up to something. "A shrine..?" She muttered, pulling her hood up and hurrying up the stairs. Once at the top she sighed in relief, seeing the doors, but when she saw the Daedra, her blood ran cold, and it was too late to run, they had already spotted her and drawn their weapons.

((Almost forgot we had to do this part~ (*゚▽゚*) ))

The two Daedra guarding the shrine, gripped their Daedric Battleaxes and moved towards her, unencumbered by the storm. They didn't look very happy to see an uninvited guest
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