Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime groaned softly and closed her eyes again. "Where's Masamune-sama?" She asked, still concerned for her husband, even after him attacking her. "Is he okay..?"
((Back to Iroh~))

Irohahime had been hard at work, already in possession of Potema's skull and working hard to raise the Wolf Queen. She had four underlings who contributed to the ritual, but she was still doing most of the work. In fact, she had been doing so much work, she often went days without food and sleep before crashing and sleeping for the same amount of time; dozens of Magicka potions had been consumed a day, leaving blue spider veins trailing over her arms, the heaviest point of the odd blue veins around her wrists and on her hands. But those were all minor complications that didn't need immediate attending to. The frail girl wore a ritual mask, which helped to evenly distribute and slow her Magicka flow so she could conserve her Magicka while working on summoning the Queen's soul. "Tenkai-sama, I think we only need a few more days before the raising of Potema's soul is complete, but we still don't have a living vessel..!"

((After Mitsunari comes in and fucks everything up, we can kill off Jingu and then sacrifice Daihachi~))
((Pretty much, he gets word of the odd happenings and after everyone who went down there didn't return, he deemed it as a big enough threat to head down there himself.))

She nodded and returned her focus on raising the Wolf Queen, drinking another potion quickly before going back to work.
((Got'cha, boss!))

Tenkai looked when he heard a ruckus from the entrance of Wolfskull Cave, "Oh, dear~ we have company~" He remarked. Guards flooded the cave, killing the mages and Draugr that tried to get in their way. "Stop these fools from completeing the ritual!" Mitsunari's enraged voice echoed
"My lady, please leave this to us, take Queen Potema's skull and leave, finish the preparations elsewhere!" And elderly Wood Elf ordered as the remaining Necromancers moved to hold off the guards. Irohahime hesitated, but nodded, grabbing the skull and hurrying toward the back entrance, pulling her hood over her head.
Irohahime tensed hard and quickened her pace, but felt him on her heels. Spinning, she ducked past him and ran back the other way. "Tenkai-sama! Tasukete!"
Irohahime barely managed to avoid Mitsunari's attacks, letting out a small scream when he landed a cut on her shoulder.
Irohahime fell with a grunt, looking around desperately for Tenkai. "Tenkai-sama!" Her voice was panicked. Crawling backwards quickly, she looked for anything to stop him with.
((Nope! She gets away!))

Irohahime ground her teeth and got to her feet, casting mass paralysis.
Irohahime grabbed Potema's skull off the ground and bolted for the exit. "Tenkai-sama, we have to leave!"
Irohahime wasted no time running through the door, panting softly as she made her way through the exit, only slowing when she felt safe.
Irohahime was too far into shock to argue or question anything he said. Healing the cut on her shoulder, she winced. "That's fine... We should just hurry.."
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