Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime sat up quickly, eyes widening. "T-Tenkai-sama..!" She felt a cold chill go down her spine. "Wh-What did you do? Why are you here..?"
"I-I - I panicked, please, Tenkai-sama, I didn't mean to run!" She moved away from the door as she spoke, eyes darting around the room for some sort of weapon. "I-I'm willing to come back as well! I'm still loyal to you..!" She said in a shaky voice.
Irohahime panicked and grabbed the chair, throwing it at Tenkai with a grunt of effort, tears falling down her face with the knowledge of her demise. "Otou-sama! Tasukete!!"
Irohahime ran as fast as she could with her limp, bolting past the gaurds and outside, tears nearly blinding her as she stumbled out of the prison keep and into the cool night air. But it wasn't over yet, she could hear Tenkai's rapid approach and made a quick decision to run toward the cemetery a soft humming coming off of her body, the tomes carved on her glowing faintly. Finding herself cornered, she felt the panic rise in her chest and she slumped to the ground, hugging herself tightly. The times glew brighter and the ground started to rumble, making Irohahime cover her ears and close her eyes tightly as the ground split open in many places umongst the graveyard, several corpses rising to defend Irohahime; one of them even wore golden armor, and had a long braid adorned with beads.
(( D'x Jingu!))

The guards of Riften were horrified by their reanimated loved ones and comrades. Kojurou ran out to see wha the commotion was, as well as Masamune - who had ordered Megohime to stay inside - and both were ghostly pale to see Jingu. Kojurou felt his heart wrench in two, frozen in place. "J...Jingu..."
Irohahime sat in the corner of the graveyard, crying and curled into a ball, eyes squeezed shut and her hands over her ears. Seeing no threat, none of the reanimated corpses did anything, they simply stood there, waiting for an enemy to come; and although Jingu had been preserved pretty well, her eyes were sunken in and her cheeks hollow, flesh drawn tight over bones that were visible under the gray skin.

((Will Masamune think she killed the guards?))
((Iroh? Probably~ thatisuntilTenkaishowsupgetsThuumedlikeabitchandruns~))

Kojurou took a hesitant step forward, "J-Jingu..." "Kojurou, back off, she doesn't feel right." Masamune said lowly
Jingu's faintly glowing eyes moved slowly toward Kojurou, the warm gold they used to be now a cold, lifeless yellow. Dry lips twitched to expose teeth, a grumbling noise sounding from her throat as she stared down Kojurou; warning him not to come any closer. Of course many of the risen dead did the same to anyone who came too close, they were doing their job: protecting Irohahime.
Kojurou wanted to talk to her; apologize to her for letting this happen to her. He took another step and Masamune grabbed his arm, "Stop. She's dead." The word cut Kojurou deep. He couldn't even use this small window to tell her how angry and upset he was that he had let her die. "We need to get to Irohahime." Masamune growled and stood before Kojurou, making his Housecarl tense. "M-Masamune-sama!" The Jarl glared at Jingu, eye slitting, "Move." He hissed
The corpse sensed Masamune's hostility and instantly a snarl tore from her throat, lips pulled back in a snarl to expose yellowing teeth. When the other enthralled corpses picked up on Masamune's hostile behavior, their behavior changed from statue like beings, to battle ready, undead warriors. Some unsheathed swords, others drew great swords, daggers, and bows. Jingu however hadn't been buried with her weapon, as a usual burial would be preformed, so she stood her ground against Masamune weaponless. Irohahime hadn't moved an inch, clearly in panicked meltdown, unable and unwilling to open her eyes to see her father, hyperventilating through her sobbing. Jingu's corpse blocked Masamune, the other thralls making a semicircle formation so no one could approach their master.
Jingu snarled again, but made no move to retreat or attack, simply a warning to Masamune that he wouldn't be allowed to pass. Her eyes never traveled to Kojurou however, she only kept her gaze on Masamune.
Masamune threw Kojurou off him and used Whirlwind Sprint to reach his daughter. Kojurou grpped Auriel's Bow and the few Sun Hallowed arrows Jingu had given him, "Jingu-dono, please forgive me.."
Jingu snarled, as well as most of the other thralls, heading after Masamune, weapons ready. Jingu went after Masamune as well, hearing nothing of her husbands apologies, but then again, she was a corpse without a conscience. Irohahime cried and rocked back and forth slightly, eyes closed tightly and hands pressed firmly over her ears, trembling hard with fear.
"Irohahime!" Masamune called. Kojurou notched an arrow and shot one of the honored undead, orderig the guards to do the same, but leave Jingu to him
The druager started dropping like flies before they could reach Masamune, now the only one remaining corpse was Jingu. Irohahime screamed when Masamune called her name, eyes snapping open. "H-He's going to kill me! He's come to kill me!"
"What are you talking about?" Masamune asked, stepping forward to reach her but Tenkai moved between them, "Forgive me, Jarl, but she has to die." "Staythe hell away from my daughter!" Masamune growled. Kojurou grabbed a Sunhallowed Arrow and notched it on Auriel's Bow, aiming at Jingu. Tears pricked his eyes, and he fought them hard, begging the Gods to forgive him
Irohahime crawled backwards away from Tenkai, terror in her eyes. "No!!" She panicked, more tears falling from her eyes. Jingu's corpse was hit dead in the back by the arrow and it fell to the ground, unmoving.
Kojurou moved over numbly and dropped beside her, no longer fighing his tears. He reached out slowly, hand shaking. Tenkai turned to her and lunged, but Masamune grabbed him by his stupid-long hair, tugging him backwards, "I said: Stay the hell away from my daughter." He snarled. Tenkai looked to him, eyes smiling, "I don't take orders from you~" He replied, gripping his enchanted dagger
Irohahime was pressed against the wall again, hyperventilating and hugging herself tightly, trembling hard.
Before Tenkai could stab Masamune with the dagger, Masamune threw him aside and shouted a mighty burst of flame from his Fire Breath. Tenkai gave a short cry of pain before laughing insanely, "I will return for her one day, Jarl! You'll see!" "Guards!" Masamune motioned to Tenkai and they all rushed at him, but the burned Snow elf used Mass Hysteria, using the opprotunity to flee
Irohahime sat quietly against the wall, staring ahead blankly. "He's going to kill me." She muttered numbly, hanging her head and letting it rest against her knees. "I'm going to die... And I deserve it."
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