Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana had finished cleaning off one side of the ship and was on her way to the other side, when she noticed a courier standing on the docks. She headed over, wiping sweat from her face. "Are you looking for Chosokabe Motochika?" "Well, anyone of the Chosokabe clan." Nana nodded. "Lady Motochika." She introduced herself, noticing the solemn look on the lads face. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss." He handed her a fabric wrapped package, bowing his head to her before leaving. Nana felt numb, staring blankly at the package for a moment before slowly unwrapping it. Inside was a torn cape, and a letter. As soon as she saw the cape, her heart dropped into her stomach and her legs quivered. She didn't want to read the letter, she didn't need to, she knew what it said. Slowly sinking to her knees, she clutched the purple cape to her chest, the Chosokabe family crest embroidered on it. Tears slipped from her eyes and she stared out at the water, lower lip trembling.

Yukimura's health was slowly deteriorating since his son's death, leaving him with dark circles under his eyes, and his sleeping and eating patterns worse than they should be. He was plagued nightly with night terrors, leaving him waking up screaming in the middle of the night, and being unable to sleep peacefully, he tried to avoid sleep as often as he could. His appetite was also thrown out of whack. He could only eat so much before he'd throw up, leaving him in a weakened state. And now on top of all that, his wife was missing. "I need to hear to Solitude, maybe she got hurt along the way!"
Nana held up her hand to show she wasn't injured. "Send for my husband.." She croaked, pressing her face against the cloak.

Yukimura shook his head. "No, I'll go on my own, you assist my lord." He wasn't thinking clearly, heading towards the door.
"Of course!" A guard rushed off to retrieve the Jarl, who came out quickly when he was told Nana was unwell. "Nana?" Motochika asked, "What's wrong?"

Sasuke frowned heavily and followed him anyway in the cover of shadow
Nana sat numbly on the deck for a moment before she slowly held out the cloak, the one her son had been wearing during his last battle. It was torn and blood stained the Clan crest in the middle; the envelope was Ieyasu's condolences, as well as him sending word that Nobuchika's corpse would be prepared and sent home as soon as possible. "He's..." Her voice cracked and she shook her head, unable to say the word.

Yukimura saddled up a horse and set out for Solitude, tired eyes full of worry as he rode as fast as he could.
Motochika's eye widened as he stared at the cloak, head slowly shaking. His chest tightened as rage flurried inside him, "How dare you play sich a cruel and twisted joke, woman! It is not amusing in the slightest!" He snapped.

The wind seemed to pull him west of Solitude, as if Kynareth Herself were guiding him. Something was indeed very wrong.
Nana shook her head, tears filling her eyes before spilling over her cheeks. She dropped the cloak as sobs racked her body, clenching her fists. "My son is dead..!" She sobbed, rubbing furiously at her tears. "Chosokabe Nobuchika has fallen in the line of battle..!"

Yukimura pushed his horse as fast as it could go, keeping a sharp eye out for his wife on the road.
Motochika grew angrier, but not with his wife. He dropped beside her and held her tight, craddlng her as she sobbed.

Down west of Solitude, Akihime's horse could be seen sitting outside of a cave grazing on folige
Nana held onto her husband, finding a small amount of comfort in his hold, but she quickly gathered herself together, wiping her eyes. "H... He knew this was a possibility, we knew he may not return." She clenched her jaw and drew in a breath. "We will mourn his loss when he is brought home on his shield." She said softly.

"Akihime!" Yukimura dismounted his horse quickly and hurried into the cave, searching for any sign of his missing wife. "Akihime!"
Motochika pet her head, resting his forehead against hers, "I'm so sorry, Nana..."

Her horse whinnied, trotting in place anxiously. The mare tossed her head to the cave, as if signalling that she was inside
Nana sat stiffly for a moment before gently cupping Motochika's cheek with one hand. "I should get back to work... The Fugaku still needs cleaning." She whispered hoarsely, standing slowly and kissing his forehead, turning and heading back to the ship. Though Nana pulled on a good act of strength, her eyes were hallow and her shoulders sagged slightly; leaving Motochika alone on the deck with the cloak and the letter.

Yukimura entered the cave and looked around in the darkness, squinting to see better. "Akihime?" He called, moving further into the cave.
Motochika frowned and took the cloak, tossing the letter into the sea. He moved inside his Longhouse and placed his son's cloak in a display case, locking it with a master lock before sitting in his throne to mourn silently

The cave soon led into a well lit chamber; it was an old Nordic Ruin. The passage ways were long and confusing with traps at every turn as well as puzzles. Somethin tugged him through, guiding him to a door that lead into Volsygge Passages
Nana worked all through the afternoon, telling the crew that she would get to her lunch later, which she did eventually, but she only ate a few bites; her appetite leaving her. At one point durning ship maintenance, Nana actually dismissed all crew members, working alone on the ship in silence.

Yukimura entered the crypt, a feeling of uneasiness settling in his stomach, hand resting on the handle of his sword.
"My Jarl, she's on the Fugaku by herself. She won't let anyone close." A guard said. Motochika frowned, "She is mourning." He said, standing, "I will speak with her." He said as he headed out

"Drem Yol Lok, dii ahmul." Akihime's voice echoed. But it was hollow and haunting.
((Trans: Greetings, my husband.))
Nana busied herself with cleaning, starting at the very bottom of the ship, and working her way to the top, scrubbing down every inch of floor and wall. Now that the entire ship had been cleaned, she began to put tar in the cracks that needed to be closed, making sure that no water would leak in.

Yukimura released his grip on his weapon and looked around, frowning softly. "Akihime, where are you?"
"Nana.." Motochika called, climbing up to see her, "What are you doing?"

Light footsteps against the stone echoed before him, a figure approaching from the darkness. It was Akihime stepped into view, but it wasn't his loving wife. She was dressed in Dragon Priest robes, her black cherry hair trailed behind her. Her eyes had faint bags, cold and emotionless. "Lost hi meyz wah drun zey hofkiin, wah dii siifur mal malur do Ausul?"
((Trans: Have you come to bring me home, to my own little section of Hell?))
Nana stopped working for a moment before continuing to mold hot tar onto a crack in the side of the ship. "My lord husband... Please be wary where you step, the tar is still hot." She said softly, not looking up from her work.

Yukimura couldn't understand a word she was saying, brows furrowed in confusion. "Akihime, what are you wearing? What are you doing down here? You've been gone for days, I've been worried sick!" He moved closer to her. "Let's go home."
((Fuck, that's right, we were gonna have Masamune with him so he cou translate what she was saying Dx ))

"Why are you taring the Fugaku?" He asked, carefully moving closer, "You should be inside with me, relaxing and mourning.."

Akihime scowled softly and rose her hand, "Do not come any closer, Sanada." She stated venomously, "You will turn around and return to Whiterun. I have plans here in Volskygge."

Nana frowned softly. "Forgive me, my husband, but there is work that needs to be done..." She said quietly, wiping sweat from her brow. "I just... Can't rest until our sons body has been returned."

"Plans? What plans?" Yukimura stayed where he was, not moving closer, nor retreating.
Motochika frowned and finally got close enough to place his hand on her shoulder, "Please?"

Akihime turned to leave, "Alduin thuri needs my help to bring the End Times. Return home, be with your lord or seek out the last of our offspring. Your last moments here before entering Sovngarde will not be spent with me."
Nana placed a hand over his, gently nuzzling his knuckles. "... I don't know what to do.. I feel so lost..!" She trembled slightly, eyes watering. "My baby's gone..!"

"Akihime, are you drinking Skooma?" Yukimura moved forward and grabbed her wrist. "Help Alduin? Do you even know what you're saying?"
Motochika tugged her up to her feet so he could hold her, "I know...it pains me just as deeply..." He pet her hair gently, "If I could reverse time, I would.."

Akihime glared over her shoulder, "Let. Go."
Nana held onto him, pressing her nose into his shirt and closing her eyes to try and stop her tears. "He didn't have to die..!" She choked out, jaw clenched tightly.

Yukimura only tightened his grip on her wrist. "No, I need to get you back home, you're ill."
"No...he ddn't...but maybe Shor and Talos needed him to help protect Sovngarde...that boy of ours was tough as nails, he was." He said, trying to comfort her

"Ill?" She yanked her arm free, "I am thinking as clear as day! The Divines have forsaken me! They let my blood be tainted by Sanguine Vampris thise years ago and they kept you from protecting my son!! Volsung has done more for me than those Divines have done my whole life!!"
Nana nodded, trying desperately to find comfort in her husbands words. "Aye..." She sniffled softly, trying to calm herself again.

"Volsung?" Yukimura was dumbstruck, staring at Akihime. "Have you gone mad? Are you practicing Necromancy?" He asked, but his words were gentle and not demanding.
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