Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime walked with Hidemune, scowling softly as she made her way out of the jail.
Megohime simply made a noise of acknowledgement, continuing down the hall with him.
Megohime worked on sweeping the floors, then when she was done, she started to scrub them, frowning unhappily all the while.
Megohime's thick, long black hair hung loose around her shoulders, nearly touching the floor as she worked.
The heavy sound of boots echoed through Mistveil, making their way towards the kitchen. Masamune stepped in, boots muddy from the sudden rain, abd made his way to the ale. Hidemune was horrifide by the mud prints on his clean floor
Megohime looked beyond enraged as she jumped to her feet and stormed over to Masamune. "What do you think you're doing..!?"
Megohime clenched her fists, glaring up at the Jarl, brows furrowed and her lips pulled down into a scowl, one that almost matched the Dragons own glower. "You did this on purpose." She growled lowly, fuchsia eyes sending daggers at his single blue eye.
Megohime's hand shot out and caught Masamune in the side of his face - well, it was more of both of her hands since they were still shackled, and so it was more of an awkward backhanding, but regardless, she still hit him pretty hard.
"Tsuki-san!" Hidemune gasped. Masamune glared death and smacked her down hard, "Don't you ever strike me again. Do I make myself clear?" Nasamune hissed
Megohime landed on the ground, but quickly pushed herself to her hands and knees, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Sitting back on her heels she glared up at him still, not acknowledging his demand.
"Hai.." She muttered, standing up and grabbing a rag and bucket to scrub the floor again.
"Well I'm not exactly hired help, so I guess it's expected." She muttered, scrubbing the mud from the floor boards.
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