Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She shook her head. "Why are you apologizing to me?" She muttered. "I'm just a lowly thief."
Megohime's expression softened, but she didn't argue anymore on the subject, she simply sat still to let the healer mend her broken arm.
"You don't have to continue working anymore today. As long as you don't leave Riften, you can walk around and stretch. But, if you do attempt to leave, the guards will place you back in your cell." He told her
Megohime rose an eyebrow. "You have that much faith in me? Or will you have my leg broken so I'm lame and can't leave?"
Megohime frowned, but gave a small nod. "Fine, I think some time away from that man will do me good."
Megohime fell silent, allowing the healer to finish healing her broken arm.

((How shall we start the plan with Yuki??))
((Rike dhis!))

Akihime rode silently with Yukimura as they made their way to Falkreath; Jarl Shingen had asked them to go inveatigate the courier disappearances from Dragonsreach to the small lakeside hold. Her elven armor clanked lightly as she rocked to the trotting of her horse, eyes down cast as she thought of what could be kidnapping the Whiterun runners
Yukimura was marking their location on the map as they rode, glancing up at Akihime. "What's the matter, Akihime-dono?" Yukimura asked, pocketing his map.
"We'll be arriving soon, we'll rent a room in Falkreath and head out on foot from there." He said, nothing with his head as to the town that had just come into view.
Once they arrived at Falkreath, Yukimura dismounted his horse and tied it to the wooden post, heading inside to pay for the room, before returning to Akihime outside. "Alright, everything's taken care of here, now we just need to rid of those vile creatures."
As they trekked together, Yukimhra kept glancing at Akihime, scratching his cheek. "Are you... Alright? You've been rather quiet." He pointed out.
"What about?" Yukimura asked, spotting the cave twenty feet ahead of them. "There." He pointed, moving a bit more quietly as he looked around for anyone on the outside of the cave.
Yukimura perked, not expecting to hear those words come from Akihime's mouth. Turning to look at her he frowned. "You shouldn't be scared, nothing had is going to happen." Almost as soon as he finished his sentence, Yukimura tripped a trip wire, having not been paying attention. He grabbed Akihime and rushed forward as boulders were dropped down just where they had been moments before, alerting whoever was in the room they had just entered, and Yukimura's quick thinking causing them to have to come out of the shadows.
"Never should have come here." A bandit growled as he charged at them. Akihime shot him in the head with an arrow. She gasped when a vampire came rushing at them and she drew another arrow. Before she could fire, the vampire used the vampire drain spell on her. Wincing and whining in pain, she let loose the arrow and killed it before slumping weakly to the ground
Yukimura dispatched the other two bandits easily before moving over to Akihime, kneeling beside her. "Akihime-dono, are you alright?"
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