Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura frowned worriedly, but had to spin to slash open a vampires stomach to keep it from attacking him. "We're retreating for now." He grabbed her wrist and put her arm over his shoulder, sheathing his swords and hurrying out of the room.
Yukimura stopped momentarily, but only to pick Akihime up before running ahead out of the cave again. Once they were a good distance away, he set her down. "I think we're okay."
Yukimura frowned heavily and helped steady her. "I'm going to take you back to the inn. You'll rest up there and I'll take care of the vampires."
Yukimura nodded, helping her walk back to the inn, frowning worriedly the entire way.
Yukimura made sure she was okay before heading out again, returning just after sundown. Closing the room door behind him, he set his blades against the wall, uncoupling his gauntlets and pulling off his boots.
"Everything went off without a hitch. We can leave in the morning." Yukimura reported, looking rather weary. "Are you feeling better?"
Yukimura looked at her with puzzled eyes. "We'll be heading back to Whiterun in the morning and we can have a healer look at you. Why don't you try to get some sleep?"
Yukimura removed his own armor, setting it against the wall and laying out a sleeping mat on the floor, filling a tankard with water and eating a few bites of bread before sitting down to rest.
In the morning, Yukimura was up early, helping the inn keeper tend to the flames as he waited for Akihime to wake.

Megohime was already out of her cell, having helped Hidemune with cooking breakfast and was now helping him set food on the table.
Yukimura looked over when he heard the floor boards creak. "Akihime-dono?" He moved over to her. "What's wrong?"

Megohime made a noise. "I'm only doing it so you won't break my arm again."
Akihine groaned and just grabbed some pheasant soup before slinking back to their room

Hidemune frowned and lowered his gaze, "I-I'm still so sorry about that..."
Yukimura blinked in confusion, arm outstretched as he stood in place. This was completely out of character to her. "Akihime-dono...?" He moved into the room, lighting the lantern for some light.

Megohime set Masamune's food in front of him, arm still trembling slightly from it's recent break. It was completely mended, but the pain and weakness was still present. "Hm." She grunted softly in response.
Akihime was gulping down the piping hot soup straight from the bowl, not caring that she was making a mess. She finishedd it off and sighed heavily before looking over, "Ohayo gozaimasu...." She greeted hoarsely

"Thanks, baby~ looks delicious~" Masamune taunted, "It ain't poisoned, is it?"
Yukimura frowned at how pale she looked. "Akihime-dono, you don't look too well, should I get someone to come and check on you?"

Megohime's cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment; grabbing the fork beside his plate, she stabbed it down into his hand, hard. Glaring death at him, she growled through her teeth. "Here. Here's a fork. Find out for yourself."
Akihime shook her head, "I-I'm fine..." She answered

Masamune cried out, ripping the fork out and lunging at her. He wrapped his habds around her throat and Kojurou moved to grab him, "Masamune-sama, let her go!"
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