Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura's expression showed that he didn't believe her one bit, but he didn't argue. "Then we'll just have to wait to travel, you need to rest." He told her.

Megohime stumbled slightly and gripped at his wrists, mouth open as she tried to breath, but Masamune had her airway completely sealed off.
Akihime nodded and laid back down, makibg a weak noise, "Maybe the Nine are punishing me for failing to deal with the vampires..." She mumbled

Kojurou pulled Masamune's hands back and forced him to the ground, "Masamune-sama!!"
Yukimura shook his head. "Don't bash yourself." He said, standing up. "Rest, I'll see what I can get you to drink."

Megohime fell back, holding her throat and wheezing, staring at Masamune as he was pinned. She coughed a few times, smirking softly. "Not so rough next time, baby." She taunted.
((Should we skip a day or two?))

Megohime rubbed her neck gingerly, gloating that Masamune had been humbled slightly, even though she was going right back into her cell.

Megohime sat in her cell, brushing her hair with the comb Kojurou had given her. She had woken early, and was now waiting for Hidemune to get her. Heavy bruising covered her neck from two days ago, just starting to fade.

Yukimura knocked on the inn door before entering the room, frowning worriedly as he came into the room with some pheasant soup. "Akihime-dono?"
Hidemune soon moved over and smiled weakly, "Good morning, Tsuki-san...!"

Akihime winced at the light and shrunk away, "C-Close the door...onegai...." She pleaded. The windows were covered and all the lights were blown out. Akihime was in a dark corner, covering her face
Megohime stood and set the comb down. "Perhaps I would be allowed to bathe? No use in cleaning if the cleaner is dirty."

Yukimura blinked to let his eyes adjust to the darkness before closing the door behind him. "Shall I... Light a candle?" He offered, moving closer to her and setting the soup on the table.
"Oh, yes, of course!" Hidemube unlucked the cell and shackledd her wrist as always, "I'll take you to the bath house...!"

"No, please...!" She practically shreiked in terror. Through the darkness, two glowing eyes could be seen where Akihime was cowarring, "I-I'm a monster..."
Megohime followed Hidemune, walking along side him while stifling a yawn. "So how's the Jarl's hand?"

Yukimura stopped, eyes widening at the sight of the two glowing eyes. "Akihime-dono... You..." A shiver ran down his spine. "Sanguinare Vampiris.." He murmured.
"Its fine...~! Heaking nicely~" He replied

Akihime covered her face in shame, "I should have known that's why I was so ill! I'm so stupid...! How could I let this happen...!?" She cried weakly, "You must be disgusted with me...!"
"Then obviously I didn't stab him hard enough." She muttered, looking slightly disapointed, but also slightly releaved.

Yukimura moved closer to her, laying his swords on the edge of the bed and getting on his knees before her, bowing his head deeply. "How could I have not seen this before? M'lord trained me better than this!" He clenched his fists. "Please forgive me, Akihime-dono! I will help you rid of your illness! I swear on the Takeda name!"
"He deserved it.." Hidemune murmured

Akihime looked to him with startled red eyes, "You...You will...?" She muttered. She bowed her head, "Arigatou gozaimasu, Master Sanada!"
Megohime smirked softly. "You're damn right he did." She said, stopping outside he bathhouse. "You don't have to follow me inside, do you?"

Yukimura picked his head up. "I'll consult with healers and mages... But right now.." He swallowed thus lump in his throat. "How is.. Your hunger..?"
"No, I do not!" He assured, "Only to bring you new clothes will I bother you."

Akihine blushed and lowered her gaze, "I-I couldn't ask that of you..."
"Thank Talos.." She muttered, opening the door. "I won't escape, promise. I have to stab the Jarl a few more times anyway.." She said.

Yukimura frowned heavily and pulled his shirt collar down to expose more of his neck. "It's been days... People will notice." He said, lowering his voice.
Hidemune smiked faintly and nodded, "I'll be right back with your clothes.."

Akihime bit her lip and moved closer, muttering a weak apology before driving her throbbing fangs into his neck. She felt sick to her stomach but drank from him anyway, tears streaming down her pale cheeks
Megohime nodded and closed the door behind her, stripping her clothes off and sinking into the water, wetting her long raven colored hair and relaxing in the water.

Yukimura winced as her teeth sunk into his neck, but he allowed her to drink, staying perfectly still as she did so.
Soon, tge door slid open just a bit before clothes were gebtly placed on the table by the door, "Here, Tsuki-san.." Hidemune said

Akihime pulled away and whimpered, covering her mouth, "G-Gomenasai..." She said weakly
Megohime made a soft noise, glancing over her shoulder. "Megohime, desu."

Yukimura clamped a hand over his neck, shaking his head. "Don't apologize, we'll figure this out."
There was silence for a moment. "That's a really pretty name...I like it more than Tsukihime..." Hidemune said

Akihime nodded weakly, "Th-Thank you..."
Megohime started to scrub the dirt from her arms and face. "I guess there's no point in going along with a fake name anymore.." She replied. "And what about you? You aren't just some fisherman, so who are you really?"

Yukimura nodded. "You'll feed from me until we can cure you of this, I swear to you, Akihime-dono."
Hidemune sat outside the door, staring at his lap, "I didn't really lie about being a fisherman...I fish for food on my spare time...but..." He paused, "I'm Masamune's son...."

Akihime's pale cheeks turned a dark crimson, "H-Hai.."
Megohime paused as she washed her hair. "I figured as much... Just never had any real proof." She muttered. "You look just like him, it's not like it's any real secret, unless you're an idiot."

Yukimura nodded, wrapping his neck with some bandages before standing. "Stay here while I go consult a healer, don't let anyone inside." He said, heading for the door and hooking his swords to his belt.
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