Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I'm not allowed to tell anyone in case they try to use me to get to Masamune..." He said. He sighed, "I'm not eveb meant to be born anyway....I don't know why he cares if I'm hurt..." He slouched, "I'm just a servant..."

Akihime shrank away from the light as he left. She reached for her cloak and pulled it on, drapping the hood over her head
"He probably cares because you still have his blood running through your veins. But I'm not here to make you feel better." The sound of water sloshing sounded as she got out of the bath, grabbing a towel to dry off with before pulling on her fresh clothes. "I'm here because your dad decided to not kill me."

Yukimura spent half the day going around and finding any useful information, he even bought and looked up anything and everything he could in any book he could get his hands on. But still, no information came up. Returning to the inn, he opened the door and entered quickly. "I haven't found anything yet, we'll have to travel to Winterhold once the sun sets."
"I don't want anyone to make me feel better or to assure me that I'm only still here because of my blood..." He muttered, "I just...I don't know..."

Akihime nodded under her hood, "Hai...demo...won't Jarl Shingen worry?"
Megohime opened the door, still toweling her hair dry. "If you don't know, then don't worry. He hasn't tried to kill you yet so he obviously doesn't hate your guts."

Yukimura had a satchel in hand, which contained food and extra potions. "I've already sent a courier to inform him or our prolonged investigation."
Hidemube looked over and nodded, "Yeah, I suppose you're right.."

Akihime nodded, "Very well...th-thank you, again...you could've chosen to kill me and send word to my father of what happened, but...you chose to help me..."
Megohime waved her hand. "Just forget I said anything, okay?" He cleared her throat. "So about breakfast?"

Yukimura frowned softly. "I can't kill someone who does not deserve to die." He answered.
He merely nodded and stood, "Let's go get started."

"But I'm a monster. A creature shuned by the Divines..! I deserve to have my head removed from my very shoulders...!" She weeped weakly, pressing closer into the corner
Megohime followed him, stomach rumbling lightly as they made their way into the keep and to the kitchen.

Yukimura frowned heavily and continued to pack the bag. "You didn't choose this." He said softly, guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders.
Hidemune moved to start cooking the meat, humming faintly

"I still could have stopped it...! I-I should have gone to a shrine or purchased a potion...! I'm so foolish...!"
Megohime helped pick up whatever mess Hidemune made, having fallen into the habit of just going along with the work, although she still ruffled feathers.

Yukimura placed a hand on her soft pale cheek, giving her a smile. "Don't worry, Akihme-dono, I'll help you until the end."
Hidemune made sure there was plenty of bread, cheese, mead and meat for everyone as he dished it all up, "There..."

Akihine's cold cheek grew faintly warm with her blush. "O-Ok...I trust you..."
Megohime didn't approach Masamune this time, but silently gloated about his bandaged hand as she helped set the table.

Once night fell, Yukimura took Akihime out to the horses and mounted his, waiting for her before setting off for Winterhold.
Masamune was rubbing his bad hand all day, glowering at Megohime every time he saw her

Akihime followed close behind Yukimura, her hood still covering her face with nothing but a piercing glow to peer from beneath the hood. "I-I'm frightened...wh-what if they attack us...?'
Every time Megohime caught Masamune's eye she smirked victoriously at him, hoping that even the small action would rub him the wrong way.

Yukimura rode his horse close to Akihime's, making sure he was in front of her. "You'll be fine, don't worry."
Masamune fumed at every smirk but did nothing to keep Kojurou from tackling him again

Akihime gripped the reigns of her horse, "Maybe...we should take our horses back to the Whiterun stables...and take a carriage to Winterhold...I wouldn't be abke to continuous stopping...our journey would take longer than needed.."
When it was time to clear the table, Megohime made a point of carefully picking up the fork and setting it on the dish as she cleared Masamune's dishes, making sure her eyes met his.

Yukimura looked to the sky. They had plenty of time. "Alright, we'll have to hurry though, and keep your hood up, alright?"
"Is something the matter? Was the food not to your liking, M'lord?" She asked, sarcasm dripping from her words.

Yukimura made quick time arriving at the Whiterun stables, securing his horse and Akihime's to the post before heading to Bjorlam and requesting a ride to Winterhold, paying and helping Akihime into the cart.
"Shut up." Masamune hissed. Kojurou half-hlared at him, "Both of you behave."

Akihime made sure her cloak was covering her and her hood blocked her eyes, keeping her head down
"I only wish to please my imployer." Megohime smiled softly and moved away from Masamune, heading off to clean the dishes.

The ride took nearly til morning, arriving in Winterhold just as the sun started to come up.
After clearing the table and cleaning the dishes, Megohime returned to stand in wait of anything that Masamune needed.


Yukimura hurried inside of the Winterhold inn after thanking the carriage man and quickly paid for a room, taking her inside and closing the door. "I can consult with the mages up at the college, you should rest here."
Hidemune came trotting back out, "Ok, Mego-san, we can-!" "Mego-san?" Masamune repeated. Hidemune froze, "Crap.."

Akihine hid in a dark corner due to the lanterns in the room, "I-I feel so weak..."
Megohime stopped, stiffening before glancing over her shoulder. "Shit.." She muttered lowly, quickly averting her eyes. "You're mistaken... He didn't say Mego... He said.." She bit her lip. She was caught.

Yukimura quickly put out the lights and unwrapped the bandages around his neck, sitting on the bed. "Here... You should... eat before I go.." He said, not sure if eat was really the right word.
"He said?" Masamune urged, wanting to hear her clever lie

Akihime flanced at him with glowing eyes. She could see every vein, hear his heart pounding. "Are you...scared of me...Master Sanada...?"
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