Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Hai... Arigatou." She said softly, closing her eyes. In the morning she awoke early, like always, but this time, she didn't get up, she simply waited in bed.

Yukimura had spent all day and all night looking through anything that he could get his hands on, trying to figure out a way to help Akihime, but he only seemed to come up with one answer. "Akihime-dono?" He entered the room and closed the door behind him.
Hidemune entered and quietly slid the food under the bars before leaving again

Akihime looked over, red eyes holding hope, "Master Sanada! You come with good news?"
Megohime got up and ate her food before laying back down. If she was only going to be held captive here, she'd refuse to work.

Yukimura set down several lore books and a few books on potions. "The only cure I could find, well, is Lycanthropy."
Yukimura frowned heavily and bowed his head. "I'm so sorry, Akihime-dono, but I can't find anything else on curing you."
Yukimura shook his head. "There's no other way... But... Lycanthropy is curable." He said.
"Akihime-dono! I can't allow you to do that!" He said sternly. "It will only be temporarily."
"But the Companions would no sooner kill me than help me...!" She protested. She covered her face in shame, "I deserve death...the Divines have abandoned me..."
Yukimura frowned heavily. "Don't say that, Akihime-dono, our search isn't over yet." He said, sitting down and looking through his books after lighting a single lantern.
Yukimura shook his head. "I don't know... But I'll keep searching." He said, have under his eyes.

Megohime laid in her cell, having done so all day since her attempt on Masamune's life, staring simply at the wall, stomach growling.
Akihime frowned, peering out the window. It wasn't too bright out. She stood and adjusted her hood before moving to the door

Suddenly, a bucket of cold water from the mote was thrown on her, "Get up." Masamune growled
Yukimura looked up when she left the room. "Akihime-dono?" He stood and closed the book, following after her. "Where are you going?"

Megohime tensed and sat up immediately, gasping as the water soaked easily through her clothes. "I was already awake!" She hissed as she got to her feet, glaring at Masamune.
"I'm going to the college and I'm going to go through every single book in the Arcanium." Akihime answered

Masamune smirked, "That's a good look for you."
Yukimura followed her outside into the snow, making sure he was close behind her. "You shouldn't be outside." He said in a hushed tone.

Megohime's eyes narrowed and she pulled back her arm, punching Masamune hard in the side of his face.
"As long as no one looks me in the eye, I'm fine..." She muttered, keeping her head down

Masamune hissed and raised his hand to strike her but stopped
Megohime flinched but didn't back away or raise her arms, refusing to break eye contact with Masamune. "What's wrong? Nothing's ever made you stop before."

Yukimura looked apprehensive, but didn't protest, following Akihime up to the college to make sure she was safe.
Masamune let his hand drop, "There's no point.."

Akihime moved up the path and into the college, where she carefully stepped inside and moved to the Arcanium
"No point in what? I'm your bitch now, remember?" She growled lowly. "I'm unarmed and trapped in a cell, I'm completely helpless. Isn't that how you want it?"

Yukimura helped her gather books and set the on the table, going through each and every book again.
Masamune huffed, "I wanted you to suffer for getting rid of my stuff but its pointless now..." He said

Akihime seemed to breeze through the books easily, reading at 90 words a second
"Why?" She asked. "Then why are you still keeping me? Do you want a foot hold in Windhelm? More money?"

Yukimura glanced to make sure she was okay, watching her read. "Amazing..."
"I don't know what I want..." He answered. He unlocked her cell and turned to leave, "Get out of Riften or stay, I don't care anymore.."

Akihime set the book aside and breezed through another, becoming aggitated
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