Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime's shoulders slouched. "So what if that is my name?" She murmured.

Yukimura frowned softly, but shook his head. "No, I'm not afraid of you."
Masamune's lips curled into a cruel smile, "Oh, nothing~ nothing at all~"

"But your heart..." Akihime moved at an.inhumaan speed, lips pressed to her first bite wound on his neck, "Its pounding..."
Megohime spun and glared at him. "If you have something to say, then say it!" She snapped.

Yukimura froze, cheeks flushing red, but he remained still. "I-I suppose it is.." He said softly.
"Tamura Megohime~" He said, "You're a loooong way from home~"

"I'm so sorry, Master Sanada...truky, I am..." She muttered sadly before biting down on tge wound to feed.
Megohime scowled heavily, fists clenching as she met his taunting gaze. "And I don't recall having to be followed around by the nanny that I don't have; what's it to you?"

Yukimura winced, letting out a small hiss of pain, sitting still so her fangs wouldn't cut any deeper into his neck.
"I wonder what mommy and daddy will say once they find out their daughter is a Jarl's bitch." Masamune stated

Akihime pulled away and licked the wound gently, healing it, "Gomenasai..."
Megohime's eyes narrowed. "Are you blackmailing me?" She hissed, trembling slightly. "What is it you want from me? Money? No - you just want to see me squirm."

Yukimura's cheeks flushed a dark shade of red when she licked his neck, making him shiver slightly. "Don't worry about it.." He said, feeling a bit light headed.
Megohime looked absolutely livid. "So you never really planned on letting me leave, huh?"

Yukimura shook his head, pulling out a piece of bread and eating it. "I'll be alright, don't worry about me."
"Took you this long to realize it?" He asked, "I thought you were smarter than this.."

Akihime frowned, "But I could kill you....." She muttered
"Temee!" Megohime's face flushed with anger and her blood roared in her ears as she grabbed a knife from the table, practically tackling Masamune from his chair, hand raised to bring the knife down upon his chest.

Yukimura re-wrapped his neck, rubbing it gingerly. "Don't worry about me, Akihime-dono. I cannot die so easily."
"Let go of me!" Megohime struggled against the both of them, hatred in her eyes as she glared Masamune down.

Yukimura smiled softly to reassure her, standing up and placing a hand on her head. "Daijoubu."
Masamune stood and scowles, "Put her back in her cell.." "Hai." Kojurou nodded and , dragging her off

Akihime blushed faintly and lowered her hood, "H-Hai..."
Megohime dropped the knife as she dragged along, glaring angrily at the floor. "Obviously your about as noble as your lord." She hissed, trying to yank away from him.

Yukimura removed his hand from her head, turning and leaving the room to go to the college, making sure the door was closed properly before leaving.
Kojurou scowled softly but said nothing as he carried her out and to tge jail house and to her cell, locking her in before leaving. Hidemune frowned softly, keeping her company for a spell, "Why?"

Akihine sighed softly, blush ever present, "So admirable..."
"Why what?" Megohime hissed, pacing back and forth. "Why did I try to stab your father? Or why did I rob him?" Anger showed in her eyes as she searched for anything to break in her anger.

((Yuki shall return in the evening~))
Megohime stopped. "...I don't need money." She admitted. "The Tamura family is rich enough..." She sat down on the bed. "I just... My family doesn't know where I am, for all they know, I'm dead." She said lowly. "You wouldn't understand, you're too young to know about politics, let alone faking your love for someone for it."
"Doesn't mean I can't listen and let you vent all that anger..." He told her, "Unless you'd rather not...after all, I'm the son of your asshole captor..."
Megohime hung her head, resting it in her hands. "I'm the only daughter of the Tamura family... So naturally, forced marriage is guaranteed. I knew this since a young age, but some part of me didn't believe it. The day I turned eighteen my life of freedom was signed away. I was to be married the next year... And when that time came around... I-I left home. I didn't even know this man... He was just another business scheme." She sighed softly. "I've been trying to get to Hammerfell.. But I've hit a few bumps along the way; and now this. I've been away from home for four years..."
Megohime shook her head. "Like it matters." She said bitterly. "I'm not ever getting out if here anyway."

"It'd probably be best if you didn't come tomorrow morning." She said softly as she lay on her side, back to the cell door.
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