Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime muttered something under her breath, finishing off her water before washing the tankard.
Megohime cleared her throat. "You gonna stare at me all day?" She muttered. "The sooner I get all this done the sooner I can go back to my comfy cell."
Megohime followed, mapping out the hallways in her head as she went, making sure to memorize each and every hallway.
Megohime collected all of the dirty dishes first, loading as much as she could onto the wooden tray, purposefully keeping her gaze from Masamune.
Megohime looked at shocked at first, cheeks flushing red as she remained quiet. Looking back down at the tray in her hands, tightening her grip on the tray as she waited for Hidemune.
Hidemune helped her scrape off the food to feed to Masamune's war hounds, keeping his gaze downward. Masamune eyed Megohime, "I might actually enjoy having an actual maid running about and doing my shit for me." "Masamune-sama..." Kojurou sounded a little disappointed
Megohime's cheeks flushed more and she dug her nails into the tray, biting her lip to keep from snapping out, refusing to even look at him; but boy would she like to dump some ale over his head.
Megohime ground her teeth, wanting desperately to yell at him. She just wanted to leave. Sure she was caught stealing and would have probably had her hand cut off or thrown in jail for a good while, but she couldn't stand him one bit. Dropping the tray she grabbed Hidemune by the back of her shirt and yanked him closer, pulling the shackle chains that connected her hands tight against his throat. "You're going to let me leave. Now. I'm not a complete idiot, I know you would stick some fisherman in charge of a prisoner. He's worth more to you than that. I don't care who he is, but if you don't let me leave here now, I'm gonna crush his windpipe."
Masamune smirked as Hidemune's shocked face turned to fury as he gripped Megohime's wrists, forcing her to releasee the chain as he twisted her arm in an angle that an arm should not be twisted; a nasty crunch was quickly heard after.
Megohime let out a scream of pain, falling to her knees and holding her broken arm, tears stinging at her eyes as she trembled in pain; hair covering her face so it could not be seen.
"Shut up!" Megohime snapped at Masamune, lowering her head, biting her lip so hard it bled.
Megohime didn't fight Kojurou, allowing him to help her stand and walk her to the healer, hiding her face with her hair in shame.
Kojurou took her to the healer, where she used Healing Hands to fix Megohime's arm, "I apologize profoundly for Masamune's behavior..." Kojurou said
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