Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Oh joy." She scoffed and turned so her back was facing him. "Anything else you want to tell me, your majesty?"
"Damn right. Kojurou here will enforce what I say. Right, Kojurou?" "Hai, Madamune-sama." Kojurou replied as he grabbed a whip from the wall
Megohime's eyes narrowed, trying to detect a bluff, but she knew he was serious; like it mattered to her. "You sure that isn't for the Jarl when no ones looking?"
Megohime grunted softly, closing her eyes and falling asleep, awaiting her first day of work in the morning.
When dawn arrived, Megohime was awoken by a familiar nervous voice. "Um...e-excuse me..." Hidemune called, "Its time to wake up..."

Akihime stood in the Great Porch, practicing her archery with her glass bow. She was in a simple shirt and leggings, hair done up so it was out of her face.
Megohime opened her eyes, not having gotten much sleep from her throbbing wound, even though it was healing nicely. "Hidemune, do me a favor and leave me alone."

Yukimura had just finished his practice for the morning, using a rag to wipe the sweat from his brow as he entered the Great Porch. "Good morning, Akihime-dono."
Hidemune frowned, "I'm sorry, but I can't...Masamune-sama told me to come get you." He said

Akihime looked and suddenly became flustered, "Master Sanada!" She squeaked out and her grip on her bow slipped, making her miss the target, "G-Good morning!"
Megohime rolled onto her side, back to Hidemune. "I said take a hike." She hissed.

((Yeah, she's not gonna make it easy.))

Yukimura blinked, confused as to why she was suddenly so flustered, but he paid it no mind. "Are you alright? You didn't get ill from yesterday, did you?"
Hidemune sighed softly, "Please cooperate...? I brought you food and first aid..." He pleaded

"Ill? Oh, no, I'm quite alright! I just needed somme sleep...! I feel right as rain~!" She said bashfully
Megohime laid in her bed for a moment longer before sitting up and moving towards the cell bars. "Fine, but the food first."

Yukimura smiled. "That's good, I'd feel guilty if you had come down with an illness."
Hidemube smiled and pushed a tray of venison, goat cheese, bread, and water through the food slot under the bars, "Made it with my own two hands.." He said proudly

Akihime blushed, "I appreciate your concern..."
Megohime picked up the tray and began to eat, muttering a thanks between bites. "So are you the Jarl's little bitch too, or you just scared shitless of him?"

Yukimura nodded. "Is there anything you need?"
"Its...complicated..." He answered softly

"Nothing really comes to mind!" She answered brightly as she reachedd for a fresh arrow, only to feel an empty quiver, "Or...maybe some...new glass arrows...."
"You only say that when your embarrassed or feel guilty." She said, drinking her water. "So what's the deal?"

Yukimura chuckled softly. "I'll run down to the forge and see what I can arrange."
Megohime finished up her breakfast and wiped her hands on her pants. "Not like it really matters anyway."

Yukimura nodded and bowed before heading back inside Dragons Reach
Megohime watched Hidemune, frowning softly and rubbing her neck. This kid looked like he needed a break... But still, she didn't want to be kept in this cell any longer. "I guess... I have to start my chores now, huh?"

((Did you have anything planned for them?))
((Haha not really, I just thought I'd throw them in for shits and giggles~))

He perked and nodded, "Hai! That's right...! Masamune-sama will get mad if we don't hurry...!"
((Oh okay~))

Megohime motioned to the cell door. "Well I can't really go anywhere unless you let me out, now can I?"
"R-Right!" Hidemune moved and unlocked the cell, taking some shackles and cuffing her wrist before clasping the other to a chain that he held
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