Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime was sitting on the bed, waiting impatiently. "You can enter." She said, turning her head away to look back at the blank wall. She had searched for the past hour for anything that could've been used as a weapon, but it was in vain.
Megohime felt fear trickle down her spine. "If you're going to send me to the block just get it over with already."
She glanced up at him. "Then what?" She asked, playing with the frayed ends of her clothes, all armor confiscated.
Megohime's eyes widened with shock before she scowled and ground her teeth. "And if I refuse?"
Megohime looked down at the floor, chewing on her lip with a look of guilt on her face. "I don't owe that man shit." She hissed, look of guilt gone. "If you thought that I'd say I owe him my life, you're wrong."
Megohime crossed her arms and stared again at the wall. This hadn't been the first time she had been threatened with death, but it was her first time being caught by a Jarl.
Megohime looked up when Masamune entered, a clear look of rage on his face as he approached her cell. "What can I do for you, Jarl of Riften?"
"I seem to recall that you said you didn't hit women." She retorted, hoping he was bluffing.
Masamune smirked, "Wise choice. You will stay here every night so I know where you are. You will eat only when I say and you will follow my every command."
Megohime made a soft noise. "It's funny how you'll trust I'll obey you, I am a thieving scum after all, what if I get out? Or maybe you'll lose more valuables - oh wait, that's right, I already took them all - my mistake. I don't listen to anyone's orders."
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