Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Akihime clasped her hands together and prayed quietly to the Eldergleam, a gentle green light slowly surrounding her before disappearing. Akihime opened her eyes and saw a sapling had been placed in front of her. She beamed and gently took it, thanking the tree before turning to Yukimura, "We give this to the priestess. The Eldergleam says we can use the sap from this sapling to revive the Gildergreen."
Yukimura had watched in amazement, doubting it would actually work. "O-Okay..! Let's get going then..!"

((Soon we can do Masamune madness~))
Yukimura maneuvered over the roots, helping Akihime by taking the sapling when she had to get over a root. Once out of the sanctuary, Yukimura carefully put the Sapling in the saddle bag, securing it before mounting his horse and waiting for Akihime. "The sun will be rising soon."
Yukimura nodded and kicked his horse into a gallop, heading back for Whiterun. Once they reached home, Yukimura dismounted his horse and led it to the private stables. It was a little after dawn and the sun was rising quickly, making it a few hours away from midday.

Megohime had ditched her 'sultry maiden' outfit for her typical glass armor, rolling her neck as she rode her horse through the mountains on her way towards Windhelm, then Winterhold. "I'm never drinking that much again.." She muttered, head throbbing. She looked at all the goods she had strapped to her horse saddle that ranged from gold statues, bags of gems, bags of gold, expensive weapons and then there were Masamune's six swords. Drawing one, she looked it over, frowning. "These blades are so odd... I've never seen anything like it before..."
Akihime looked dead on her feet. She had never been up for that long before; she was exhausted. But she had to get the sapling to the Gildergreen.

Masamune woke up with a throbbing headache. "Mighty Talos, my head..."
A light knock came at Masamune's door. "Masamune-sama?" It was the maid, probably there to wake him. "You'll be late for breakfast." She said, waiting for a response before she'd enter.

Yukimura walked with Akihime back to the temple of Kynareth, bags under his eyes as he entered. "Priestess Pure-Spring, we have the sap." He said, presenting her the sapling.
Masamune groaned, "Yeah.." He rubbed his head

"You can use the sap from the sapling...the Eldergleam approved it..." Akihime struggled to say. Danica took the sapling and nodded, "Thank you, both of you."
The woman shifted her weight uncomfortably. "Is your... guest in need of fresh clothing?"

Yukimura saw how Akihime was struggling to stay awake, so he bowed to Danica and turned to Akihime. "We should head back to Dragons Reach so you can rest."
"The woman you came in with last night? W-Was I wrong to assume such a thing?" She sounded scared, and by the sound of Masamune's voice, he sounded pissed.

Yukimura led Akihime back outside and towards Dragons Reach, his own feet dragging with exhaustion.
"The woman never left though..." She said, frowning. "Should I get Katakura-sama?" She asked. All of Masamune's jewelry was gone, as well as whatever jewels or coins he had laying around.

Yukimura steadied her by hooking his arm under her arms, helping her to her room.
"H-Hai!" The maid quickly hurried down the stairs, going to get Kojurou. "Katakura-sama, Masamune-sama seems rather distressed and needs you in his bedroom."

Yukimura nodded, helping her to her room and onto her bed. "If you'll excuse me." He said and bowed, then turned to leave, needing some sleep as well.
((That sounded bayd~))

Kojurou blinked and moved into Masamune's room.

Akihine was already passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow, breathing steady
((*ditches Yuki*))

The maid moved out of Kojurou's way, bowing her head slightly as he passed. Curiosity got the better of her and she followed him upstairs to see what the problem was.

"What's the problem, Lord Masamune?" "That harlot robbed me blind! I knew she was in with the guild! Talos, curse her!!" Masamune snarled
"Ano... Who is the woman who took your belongings?" She asked quietly, picking at her sleeves. "Did she say her name?"
The maid flinched, but perked when the stable boy came over to her, whispering something into her ear before leaving. "If I may speak freely... Seto, our stable boy says he say a woman was many valuables with her heading towards Windhelm.."
Megohime looked at her map, stopped at a river to look at her map and let her horse drink, chewing on a piece of bread. "So my next stop is Windhelm, then-" The loud sound of her horse whining in pain made her look up. Two Forsworn archers were already notching their second arrow, having shot and killed her horse easily they were aiming at her next. "Shit!" Throwing down her map she drew both swords as two Forsworn came down the pathway with their weapons drawn. Blocking the first attack, she kicked at the second ones face before shoving the male Forsworn back. Suddenly two well placed shots to Megohime's head sent her helmet off and knocked her back, stunning her for a second and allowing the archers to send one more arrow each at her. The first one missed, but the second one struck her in the side, slipping through the chinks in her armor and going through her abdomen and knocking her to the ground. Slumped against her dead horse she felt herself start to fade out, the pain causing her to slip from consciousness just as the Forsworn came to take the goods.
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