Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune and Kojurou, donned in their armor, moved to the stables to grab their hourses. Masamune looked to his housekarl, who nodded he was ready. Masamune kicked his horse forward, galloping off with Kojurou right behind him
By noon, Megohime had regained consciousness and had checked to see what was left; nothing. Well, the only things left were Masamune's swords which had been stuck under her dead horse, and with the arrow through her side, she couldn't pull them out from under the carcass, so she simply didn't. Fuming silently at her loss of income, she snapped the head of the arrow off, grinding her teeth in pain, trying to pull it out, but it was stuck. She needed someone else's help, but she couldn't go back to Riften and she was a long way from Windhelm. That's when she saw two figures on horseback round the bend a ways down the path, perking and waiting for them to draw closer, but much to her horror, one of them was he last person she ever wanted to see. Masamune.
Megohime clenched her fists, today was horrible, and so was last night. But her luck had to run out sooner or later, and right now there was nothing she could do but wait.
Megohime averted her eyes and moved away from Masamune the best she could, but she hissed in pain when her armor shifted and put weight on the arrows' shaft. "Whatever you want back it's gone, they took everything."
Megohime cringed and grabbed his wrist hard; he had moved her too fast and it moved the arrow to an uncomfortable angle, and when he did so, a puddle of blood was revealed to be where she had just been sitting, blood still dripping from her side; it must've nicked an artery. "Did I say everything?" She ground out. "They left your shitty swords. You'll find them under my dead horse."
"Lord Masamune, she's injured." Kojurou stated. Masamune scowled, "You're no good to me dead. Come on." He dragged her over and gave her to Kojurou, who was more gentle with her, and Masamune went to grab his swords
Megohime grunted when she was shoved towards Kojurou, muttering a quick thanks when he caught her. Reaching around to her good side, she unclipped her chest plate and carefully pulled it off, hissing through clenched teeth as she dropped the armor and clamped a hand over the wound, arrow still sticking out of her side. "I thought you didn't do harlots?" She growled over her shoulder. "Why not just kill me?"
Megohime's head had begun to feel fuzzy, and both Masamune and Kojurou sounded like they were far away. She swayed a bit before falling forward, eyeing rolling into the back of her head, falling unconscious from blood loss.
"Lord Masamune!" "Aw shit.." Masamune reached into his bag and grabbed a minor healing potion, tossing it to Kojurou. The housekarl caught the potion and poured it down Megohime's throat
Megohime coughed at the foul tasting liquid, but she managed to swallow some, a bit of color returning to her face.
Megohime gave a small nod, struggling to comprehend his words. "Don't touch me.." She muttered, swallowing to try and get the bitter taste of elixir from her mouth.
Megohime didn't struggle, not like she had the strength to anyway. Regardless, she would either be thrown in jail or taken to the block.
Megohime stumbled along with Kojurou, ignoring the looks she got and just focusing on keeping up with Kojurou as they entered the cells.
Kojurou gently pushed her into a cell and closed it behind her, "I will discuss your punishment with Masamune. Here's a health potion," He handed her a red bottle, "You look like you need it.."
She nodded and thanked him quietly before moving over and sitting on the bed and pulling the cork from the red bottle. After drinking the entire thing and pulling the arrow from her side she laid back to rest.
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