Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"That's not what you said the last time you slept with me!" She shot back, getting in his face.
Megohime muttered something before heading outside, arms crossed over her chest as she tucked the amulet of Mara inside her dress. "I should have never even bothered.."
"If you don't wish to marry me, just say it." Megohime ground out, looking away from his smirk.
"Actually...I would be honored..." He took her hand and pulled her close, "If you wish for there to be a future with me, I will walk into it gladly at your side, Megohime.."
Megohime's cheeks flushed deep red. "I would be honored to walk by your side as well." She said softly.
Megohime kissed back, holding onto the front of his robes.

Amaya sat on her bed, absentmindedly swinging her leg as it hung over the beds edge, staring blankly at the far wall.
He pulled away and grinned, "Wanna go tell Maramal the good news?"

"Hey." Sasuke appeared outside her cell, glaring at the side, "I'm trying to convince Shingen to let you go free since you haven't tried escaping and killing everyone."
"How generous of you." Amaya said, sitting up to look at him, eyeing the man before making a soft noise and getting up. Moving over to the cell door, she spoke in a sultry voice. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" She asked, stopping just in front of the door. "Since you've found yourself a woman that can really keep up with you?" She asked. "One that you can bend over the bed and spend a nice good hour teaching her a lesson she'd never forget~?"

"I suppose." She said, taking off the Amulet of Mara and slipping it into her pocket. "I am but only a humble wife..~"
Sasuie didn't fight the shudder. He didn't want to. He glanced at her and moved closer, "Are you saying you could be that kinda woman? You don't seem like the type what eess teachin'~"

"Not yet~" He winked and took her hand, heading to the Temple of Mara
"I'm sure there's a thing or two I'd enjoy learning from you, Sasuke-sama..~" She purred, reaching through the bars to brush her fingers against his inner thigh.

Megohime followed, still blushing, but silent this time.
That did it. He disappeared, reappearin in front of her and lifting her up; pushing her against the wall and pinning her wrists above her head. "Oh, so you're finally taking up my offer about reall raw passionate love-making, hm~?"

"Maramal!" Masamune called as they entered the temple. The Redtuard looked and smiled, "Welcome, my Jarl! How can I help?" "We wish to marry." Masamune said, pulling Megohime to his side. Maramal's face lit up, "Really?! Wonderful! We shall begin preparations immediately!"
Amaya made a weak noise, inching closer to him. "I've been thinking about it, but perhaps I need a little more convincing, why not show me exactly what you can do~?" Her lips brushed his ear, wrapping her legs loosely around his waist.

Megohime twined her fingers with Masamune's nudging his shoulder gently. "You don't have to be so loud about it." She muttered shyly.
Sasuke bit her neck, sucking hard on the mark as his gauntletted fingers dug into her thigh

"Yes, I do~" He grinned, "I'm allowed to be loud."
Amaya hissed in delight and clenched her fists, letting out a soft moan. "Sasuke-sama..~"

Megohime muttered an unpleasant word, but didn't poke the subject anymore. "I suppose I should have guessed that from when we bedded."
Sasuke moved one hand to start easily working on removing his chest plate as he continued to bite and suck on her neck

Masamune quieted her as Maramal looked over with slight disappointment, "My Jarl, are you marying for that reason...?" "No...! I love her and I wanna make her my bride, even if she locks horns with me a lot..."
Amaya squirmed against him, letting out a soft sigh, digging her fingernails into her palms. "Shouldn't we take this somewhere a bit more private?"

Megohime pulled the Amulet of Mara from her coat pocket and held it out so Maramal could see, cheeks flushed. "Unfortunately I have fallen for this rock of a man, funny how things work out, huh?"
"Aw, you don't wanna do it here~?" Sasuke teased.

Maramal perked, "Oh! Forgive my accusation! Please, go about your day, I will notify you when the preparations are complete!"
Amaya leaned forward, licking the shell of Sasuke's ear. "How can you expect to teach me, if we aren't in the proper setting..~?" She purred.

Megohime pocketed the amulet and turned to Masamune. "We done here? I figured you might wanna tell Kojurou."
"I guess you have a point~" They started sinking into a pool of shadow and Sasuke winked. The next second, they were in his room

"He's not my nanny.." Masamune said, taking her out of the temple
As soon as they were in Sasuke's room, Amaya took the lead, pinning Sasuke down to the bed she kissed him heatedly, working on removing his chest plate.

"Coulda fooled me." She teased, nudging him.
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