Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya wheezed as the gauntlet pressed into her jugular, cutting off her airway. She gripped his wrist and kicked his stomach. "Sasuke! You're choking her!"
"No, no, danna, choking is something you do when you eat too fast. Notice how I'm crushing her windpipe with extreme pressure to her throat, I'm doing somethin tat is commonly referred to as strangling." Sasuke explained darkly, eyes glued on Amaya
Amaya's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water and her kicks gradually grew weaker and weaker. "Sasuke stop!" Yukimura grabbed the cell keys off the wall and hurried to unlock the cell door.
Sasuke dropped her and moved away, glaring at the wall. When Yukimura got the door open, Akihime rushed in to heal her, "Daijoubu, Ama-chan...!?"
Amaya wheezed and coughed, glancing at Sasuke. "I'm fine." She said softly. Yukimura looked to Sasuke, frowning softly.
"I'll be on the Porch." Sasuke said bitterly and disappeared. Akihime frowned, "Ama, you should go back to Solitude and just hide...better yet, go to Windhelm and be with Jarl Ieyasu! He would love to have you fight with him!"
"I cannot." She said and stood, moving away from Akihime. "Akihime-dono... We should report to Oyakata-sama."
"Please refrain from touching me, Akihime-sama. I am not as pure as you, nor am I as clean as you think I am to be." She said, moving just out of reach.
Akihime's eyes widen and she felt her chest tighten. "A...Amaya..." She wheezed out, her heart hurting. She lowered her head and turned on her heel, walking out briskly, "Ikuzo, Master Sanada..." She said, voice heavy with grief
Yukimura frowned, but followed. "Hai." He said softly, locking the cell behind him.

It had been two months after Megohime had left for Windhelm, and after patching things up with her family, she told them of her relations with the Jarl of Riften. She had returned to Riften the day before, staying in the Bee and Barb, not telling Masamune of her arrival. She sat at one of the tables, drinking a tankard of water as she ate her lunch, an amulet tucked under her dress.
One of the guards travelled to Mistveil to inform him of Megohime's presence in Riften. The Jarl marched to the Bee and Barb and stormed in, moving to Megohime, "Why didn't you tell ne you were back...!?"
Megohime's hair had been trimmed and was loose around her shoulders, sipping her water. "Didn't think it was important." She said simply.
"I trimmed it, yeah." She said, standing up to face him, an amulet of Mara flashing around her neck.
Megohime's cheeks flushed pink and she cleared her throat. "My mother convinced me it was time to start settling down."
Megohime growled, but her blush grew. "And men like you are the reason I didn't wish to marry..!" She shot back.
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