Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya shuddered again and this time a weak moan left her throat, trying to press her legs together, unsure if she would accept the pleasure he was giving to her. She had only ever given pleasure, never taken it.
Amaya's eyes opened and her face burned red with shame as she left the small underground room, returning simply to her cell.
Amaya sat in her room, beating herself mentally for slipping up so badly, stomach growling loudly.
Yukimura and Akihime had traveled back to Whiterun the next day, the whole ride Yukimura was silent, and only when Whiterun was within his sight did he speak. "Ano... Akihime-dono? What was that?"
"When I was going to be defeated by Masamune-dono... You.." He made some hand motions, not really sure how to explain any other way.
"Oh! I'm sorry to have pressed you..!" He said, feeling guilt for pressing on a matter that was clearly a tough subject.
Akihike followed him, "I'm told that when I was born, the Nine Divines saw a purity in me that could help with Tamriel's wounded spirit. So they each blessed me with a gift to help spread their wisdom and heal those hurt by the war...Otou-sama says that its my destiny to help Skyrim."
Yukimura rounded to the stables, dismounting his horse and removing it's saddle and reins, hanging them up and waiting for Akihime.
Yukimura made his way up to Dragonsreach, but stopped before crossing the bridge, a sudden sensation taking hold of him. "I'm going to check how Sasuke is doing." He said, looking to Akihime. "Would you like to join me?"
Yukimura nodded and headed down to the jail, entering with a small nod to the gaurds and going to find Sasuke.
"Why do you have to be so uncooperative!? I brought you food! Why won't you eat it!?" Sasuke hissed. He had brought her a bowl of water with chicken, potato and carrot in it. Akihime frowned softly as she followed Yukimura
"Because the last time cooperated you tortured me." She hissed back. Yukimura appeared outside of the cell and looked to Sasuke. "Is everything alright?"
"Then this bitch probably shouldn't tell Master Sanada that you were hot and bothered for him whilst he was away; you may try to hide it, but your body betrays you." Yukimura's cheeks actually flushed this time, making a strangled noise.
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