Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura got to his feet with a struggle and retrieved his swords before mounting his horse, following Masamune back to Riften.
Amaya stirred, the sound of metal shears waking her from her dreamless slumber. Opening her eyes she rolled over, looking for the source of the noise.
"Oh, good morning!" Snip. Sasuke held up a long chunk of silver white hair between his gauntletted fingers. It was Amaya's hair. "It was getting a little long, so I thought I would trim it for you~"
Amaya jumped away and swung a fist out to push Sasuke back, other hand groping at her hair, which was chin length on one side and hip length on the other. "You were in here while I slept!?" She hissed. "And you cut my hair!?"
Amaya's cheeks flushed deep red and she swung out again, but this time to try and grab the hair he had cut off back from him. "You're a pig!"
"Or maybe you just occupy yourself by taking other men's dicks and imagining it to be Sanada?" She asked darkly. "How many do you have to take before your thirst is quelled? Three? Four?"
Sasuke blushed and glared, "And how many women have you been with that you've invisioned Otani? Ten? Twenty times? Or maybe you just let men bed with you because she was never good enough."
Amaya fumed, glaring death. "And how many times have you pleasured yourself to the thought of your master? Isn't that sinful for a mighty assassin, lowering yourself to sneak around in the dark, hoping to catch him disrobing?" She shot back.
"Like you haven't done the same! I bet you walked in on her bathing purposely just so you could see her nude in the middle of the day! And then went to your room and imagined that beautiful pale skin against yours, her cheeks flushing crimson, and those soft lips just moaning your name." He waved his hand and inched to hover over her ear, "Ah~ Ama-chan~" He had changed his voice to sound exactly like Akihime's to toy with her
Amaya's eyes widened and she stiffened, trying to suppress a shiver that traveled down her spine, but it happened anyway. Grinding her teeth she tackled him to the ground and pinning him by the throat, sitting on top of him and pressing down on his jugular hard.
Sasuke hissed but then tried to to breathe, the pain in his neck making it hard with the added presser on his windpipe. He gripped her wrists and tried to pull her hands away
Amaya was in a blind rage now, using all of her strength to keep Sasuke from lifting her hands, but a gaurd had heard the commotion and had used his shield to knock Amaya off of Sasuke. "Sarutobi-sama!"
Sasuke coughed and rolled onto his side, tryin to catch his breath, "D-Damn, she's stronger than I gave her credit.." He muttered. He pushed himself up and rubbed his neck, "I'm ok...it was my fault...just put her in bed and lock up. Its best we leave her be for a bit."
"Yessir." The guard moved over and half carried half dragged the dazed woman to her bed, dropping her roughly on the bed and locking up after Sasuke had left the cell.

((What now~? (*゚▽゚*)))
Amaya shifted on her bed and looked at Sasuke, a scowl on her face as she got up and moved over to the cell door. "Goodie."
Amaya grew hesitant about following him, not believing a single word he said. "Finally decided to off me?"
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