Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Akihime looked worried and covered her face. "Master Sanada..." She stopped when she heard the sound of hoofbeats and looked. The Jarl of Riften, Date Masamune, trotted up in his Dragonscale armor and his precious swords. He smirked at seeing Yukimura and stopped his horse, "Someone's early to the party."
"Of course!" He declared. "I, Sanada Genjiro Yukimura, would not miss this fight for the world!"
"I'm glad to hear that." Masamune dismounted and clicked his tongue, his horse trottin off to a safer distance. Masamune looked to Akihime and made a face, "You brought a nanny? Shit, guess you really are a milk-drinker..."
"M-Milk drinker..!?" His cheeks flushed. "No, this is Akihime-dono! She has accompanied me to the Rift to meet you."
"Akihime?" Masamune narrowed his eye and she looked away nervously. "I see. Well then!" Masamune gripped his swords and unsheathed them, "Psyche up!"
Yukimura blocked the first swing, but had to dodge the second, his own fiery aura consuming his golden blades, jabbing one sword at Masamune while he blocked with the other.
Masamune swung Yukimura's sword to the side harmlessly and slashed horizontally at Yukimura's chest. Akihime grew a little nervouse. Masamune looked like he was ready to kill Yukimura.
Yukimura barely had time to avoid the three claws, slashing hard to parry them and stagger Masamune, but he wasn't so easily pushed around.
Yukimura moved his blade as fast as he could, but soon he was overwhelmed and his blade was hooked from his grasp, Yukimura falling to his knees and panting hard, barely able to stand.
Yukimura got to his feet and grabbed his sword, but he was in no condition to fight. Taking a stance again he faced Masamune, breathing hard.
Masamune charged forward and swung hard. Akihime panicked and took a hesitant step forward, "Y-Yamerou...leave him alone...!" She rushed forward with her glass war axe and blocked Masamune's attack. Masamune grew furious, "Don't interfere!!" "He can't fight anymore! Leave him alone, please!" Akihime begged
Yukimura groaned softly and fell to his knees again before falling forward, cut up and bruised. "Akihime...dono.."
"Akihime-dono..!" Yukimura reached out to grab her and pull her out of he way, but she was just out of reach.
"Fus Ro Dah!!" Masamune shouted at her and a bright light enveloped her. Masamune took a step back, covering his eye, "The hell?" He muttered. "Enough!" The light exploded and Akihime had changed. Her long black cherry hair was decorated with threads of beads and metal chopsticks, a giant luna moth clip in the far right side of her hair. She was adorned in pale green robes with a deep crimson sash and matching under robe with luna moth paterns all over the top robe. She levitated inches from the ground with a pale aura surrounding her. Masamune looked a little surprised, "Sweet Talos.."
Yukimura's eyes widened in surprise and he stared up at Akihime, mouth open. "Akihime-dono..!" He stared dumbfounded at her, not knowing what to really say.
Akihime looked back at him and smiled softly, "You're safe now, Master Sanada.." She assured him. She turned back to Masamune with a disapproving scowl, "This is unbecoming of a Jarl, Date Masamune. Your Housekarl should have taught you better." "Don't bring Kojurou into this, la-" "Silence!!" Akihime's voice thundered that could match a Dragon's Thu'um, makig Masamune actually close his mouth.
Yukimura was at a loss for words, staring at Akihime with wide eyes, the only word that left his mouth was amazing.
"I beseech you, Jarl of Riften...Master Sanada has not slept or eaten in two days...he is wary...would you allow us to rest in Riften for the night?" Akihime asked. Masamune made a face but shrugged, "Sure, why not." He said dismissively. Akihime smiled and bowed her head, "Arigatou.."
Yukimura clenched his fists, grinding his teeth at his utter defeat. "Forgive me, Masamune-dono... I am still not strong enough to satisfy your needs!"
Akihime looked startled before the light disappeared and she was normal again. Masamune shook his head, "Just come on, kid.." He said and headed over to his horse
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