Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Skip ahead~!))

A cold, heavy presence hung in Masamune's room as the Dragon slept, two small figures standing by his bedside, holding a large, black disk.
Masamune stirred and looked, eye widening as he jumped away slightly, "What the hell!?" He reached for his sword but stopped, seeing they were unarmed and making no motion to harm him
"Calm thyself, One Eyed Dragon." "Yes, we have not come to kill you." They spoke in turn, not moving an inch, their glowing eyes trained on him, but they were not vampires. The two young girls radiated old magic, something that was lost long long ago. "We are here to bring you troubling news." "News that you shall not ignore." They turned the mirror around so Masamune could gaze into it. "Your next child is to bring great suffering upon the land." "Yes, suffering as to which no one will be able to overcome." The mirror showed Masamune a terrible picture: a woman sitting on a thrown, wolves at her feet, and though her face could not be seen, a horrible aura radiated from her as though she would come through the mirror at any second. "Take hast in snuffing out the child's life." "Rid of the child's bearer." "Or kill the child before it's fifth year of living." Blood seemed to drip over the mirror, covering the picture of the woman on the thrown, then the mirror became black again. "Do not ignore our warning." Now the mirror only reflected Masamune's face. "It would be most unwise to do so."
Masamune scowled softly, "And what if I ignored the warning? Skyrim is already in danger with Feyn do Jun causing chaos everywhere..." He said softly, "Not like my kid is gonna make much a difference after the End Times come.."
They closed their eyes in sync, making a soft noise. "We cannot tell you more." "For even our sight cannot see that far." "But we are not here to persuade you." "Yes, we only come to tell you of your fate." "Farewell, One Eyed Dragon." And then they were gone.
Megohime laid on her stomach, hair spread out around her shoulders, one arm over Masamune's stomach.
Yukimura stood outside Shor's Watchtower, waiting patiently for Masamune, swords in hand.

((Shall we give Amaya a ball and chain~?))
Akihine looked over the dead bodies o the guards with concern before lookin to Yukimura, "M-Master Sanada, what are you doing...?" She asked nervously. The sight of death upset her greatly.
Yukimura frowned at the dead, but shook his head. "If this was my own land, perhaps, but I have no pull here in Riften." He said, looking up as a woman in glass armor passed by on a horse.
Akihime frowned a bit more and decided to bury the dead guards so they could find peace in Soverngard. She prayed quietly to Arkay, hands clasped together tightly.
Yukimura didn't move from his spot, staring intently in the direction of Riften, awaiting Masamune's arrival.

Amaya sat in her cell, using a thread and a very thin piece of wood to sew up the slit going up the side of her dress, also having shortened the straps to help hide her cleavage, a scowl on her face.
Akihime moved over to sit in front of the campfire and started to make some food for Yukimura.

"Whadda ya doin'?" Sasuke's voice sounded. He was standing in front of her cell with a small smirk
Yukimura stood there all night, waiting patiently for the man that wouldn't come for quite some time.

Amaya stopped moving for a moment, then continued to sew. "I'm fixing these clothes." She said calmly.
She grunted softly. "I would say sorry, but I'm not really all that sorry." She said, tying the last knot in the thread.
Amaya's cheeks flushed and she glared up at him. "Listen Sarutobi, I agreed to be brought in and give information, not to be your harlot."
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