Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"It was no trouble, dana." Sasuke said dismissively. "Master Sanada...!" Akihime moved over quickly and hugged him without thinking, "Arigatou gozaimasu, Master Sanada! I don't know how I could ever return this kindness!"
A blush settled over Yukimura's face, scratching his head nervously. "Ah, it was no big deal, I'm just glad you're okay, Akihime-dono."
Akihime moved away and blushed heavily, "Wh-Where am I going to go now if the jail is no longer safe...? Mitsunari-sama will soon hear of Freya's passing.."
"You will stay under the protection of Whiterun, I will have to speak to my lord, but I promise you, you will be safe, Akihime-dono." Yukimura promised.
Amaya looked up and a faint smile crossed her face, pulling on the large scars and making them even more noticeable. "Thank you.."
"I came to keep an eye on Akihime-sama while she did her duties, I had no other intentions." She said softly.
"I'm sure if you truly had your doubts, you would get the answer out of me by force." She said. "I have no reason to lie."
"I guess you have a point." He said, "Well, I guess now I have to think of something for you to do for me since you're my prisoner..." He muttered
Amaya didn't respond, having no input this time around, figuring it'd be best to shut her mouth and keep it shut.
He snapped his fingers and disappeared, reappearing shortly after before handing her a folded up article of clothing, "Here, put this on."
Amaya looked down at the clothing in her hand and instantly her cheeks dusted pink. "Ano... Why..?" She asked, glancing up at him.
Amaya bit her lip and turned so her back was to him, working on the straps of her leather armor. Tossing the armor onto the floor, she pulled the dress over her head before slipping off her pants, smoothing the dress over, she pulled it up over her chest the best she could. Her cheeks were red as she turned to face him, cheeks burning with her shame. Scars littered her body, some quite large and some that appeared to be burn scars. "Satisfied?" She asked, holding the dress up to hide her cleavage.
Sasuke rubbed his chin as he looked her over. Scars were always a thing for him, so she did suddenly become much more appealing to behold. "A little." He answered, "Now, I need you to go to Arcadia's Cauldron and grab me these ingrediants." He opened the cell and gave her a list, "Don't take too long. And if I find out you escaped, I will hunt you down and carve out your heart and present it as a gift to the Night Mother." He said darkly
She snatched the list away and glared death at him before silently stalking away , trying her damnedest to hold her dress up as well as keep the deep slit up the side closed as she made her way outside, keeping her gaze down as she walked to Arcadia's Cauldron.
She recieved stares from the guards and a few married men as she passed to get to the alchemy shop. Arcadia looked to her when she came in, "Welcome...! Feel free to look around!"
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