Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya nodded to her, placing the list in front of Arcadia. "Sarutobi Sasuke has sent for these items." She said quietly, eyes downcast.
Arcadia took the list and looked it over, nodding, "I have everything for Master Sasuke right here." She reached under the counter and pulled out a medium sized wooden locked box, "Here you are!"
She nodded and grabbed the box. "Thank you." She said, turning and leaving the store, heading back to find Sasuke.
Amaya returned shortly and shoved the box into his hands. "Here's your items, Sarutobi."
Amaya's face flushed and as soon as he said she could go, she left, falling apart as snow and appearing inside the keep and quickly making her way down to the cellar to avoid anymore stares.
Weeks passed and Akihime was welcomed back into the fold, though Amaya was still closely watched. Akihime was in the Cloud District, enjoying the Gildergleam, glad the sap from the sapling had revived it. "Excuse me?" Akihime looked and saw a Courier staring at her hesitantly, "I'm here with a letter for Yukimura?" "Oh, I can bring it to him!" She smiled and held out her hand, the Courier passing the letter to him. She smiled more and stood, heading off to find Yukimura.
Yukimura was, as usual, training on the Great Porch. Swing both swords at a time, he grunted with the effort, a thin scar on his cheek from Freya.
Yukimura brought his swords to a stop, turning to face Akihime. "A letter?" He blinked, sheathing his swords and taking the letter, opening it.
The letter read as follows:

"Long time no see, kid. Been a while since we last fought and I'm really bored here as Jarl. So, to spice things up, How about a little battle? Date versus Takeda? I can't wait to see how much stronger you've become, Red. Meet me and my men at Shor's Watchtower in two days. Be there or you've offically become a milk-drinker.
- Masamune."
Yukimura read the letter, then suddenly he was gripping at his chest, hunched over, yelling out a cry of excitement. "Masamune-dono! I accept your challenge!" He said, eyes burning with passion.
Yukimura folded up the paper and pocketed it. "Yes, just an old flame kindled anew with a rival of mine, I must see my lord at once..!" He said and headed down to see Shingen.
"M-Matte!" Akihime followed behind him quickly. Shingen was outside with his Saber Cats, feeding them large slices of venison, smiling affectionately
Yukimura came before his lord and bowed deeply. "Oyakata-sama! I have gotten word from Masamune-dono requesting a duel and I request your permission to leave to accept his duel!"
Shingen looked to his Thane curiously, "Jarl Masamune has challenged you to a duel?" "To tes his strength." Akihime said. Shingen grinned, "You should go then!" "Nani!?" "Take Akihime with you as well to make sure things don't get out of hand." "L-Lord Shingen!"
Yukimura bowed deeply to Shingen. "Thank you, my lord!" He said, his excitement showing clearly.
"Fight well, Yukimura." Shingen smiled and Akihime looked distraught, "Lord Shingen, are you sure about this, Lord Shingen?" "Of course, Akihime. I trust Yukimura." "Then you wouldn't need to send me with him...!"
"Hai, Oyakata-sama!" Yukimura said, not waiting for a response before he left for the stables.
Yukimura just continued on saddling his horse. "My blades remain sharp and my will is all I will need to help carry me on." He said.
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