Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She bowed even lower, pressing her head to the floor. "Onegaishimasu! I have come brandishing no weapons, and have even offered myself to the Takeda, even after escaping the very same day, but mere hours ago! All I ask is that you protect her!" The door behind her opened and she glanced back, Yukimura was standing there. "Perhaps you should hear her out, Sasuke."
Sasuke scowled more, "Say what you're saying is true and Akihime is in danger, why should we protect a prisoner? She was probably gonna be executed anyway." Sasuke stated, "I would have suggested feeding her to Shingen's Saber Cats, but that's 'uncivilized'."
"Because if she has the will to come back here, even though she is a villainous character, the words that she speaks may be true." Amaya grit her teeth. "Please. All I ask is that you relocate her and protect her, what you do to me is not important."
Sasuke glared lightly and swung out at her hard, his fist connecting with Amaya's face. He made a content noise that sounded more like a happy grunt, gritting his teeth but smiling, "Damn, that felt good! Fine, I'll keep a couple initiates with her."
Amaya was sent sprawled on her ass with a grunt of pain, holding her quickly swelling cheek, but making no move to fight back or respond. Yukimura frowned softly at Sasuke's violence, but nodded. "Thank you."
Yukimura took Amaya to solitary, a special cell that was used for prisoners that were either being interrogated or one that posed a greater threat than normal, gently pushing her inside and locking the door. "We'll make sure Akihime-dono is protected." "Thank you.."
Sasuke moved to the dungeon and went to Akihime's cell, "So, like, apparently someone is coming to kill you so your girlfriend asked us to protect you." He stated. Akihime looked confused, "Girlfriend...? You mean Ama-chan?" "Whatever her name is, she wants you safe." He told her. Akihime blushed faintly and smiled softly, "Arigatou, Sasuke-san.."
Amaya sat in her cell, finishing on healing the stab wound from earlier, and her newly broken ribs, wincing.
Within a few hours, Freya was making her way through Whiterun and towards the dungeons. Sasuke noticed but kept his eye on her. Maybe it was just a tourist, they had a lot of people coming to check out the jail. Freya stepped into the jail and unsheathed her sword, gripping her shield tight. One of the guards reached for his sword but was quickly decapitated before she stabbed another. Akihime heard the commotion and began to tremble. Freya grabbed the keys and moved to find Akihime's cell, looking around with crimson iris'. The initiates grabbed their daggers and attacked, but were no match for a Champion of Hiricine. Akihime pressed against the far wall as the other female moved to unlock her cell and step inside. "You have caused a lot of trouble for Jarl Mitsunari." Freya said. Akihime whimpered softly and Freya scowled in disgust, "They should have sent me to fulfill High-King Hideyoshi's will. I will have songs sung of me in Jarl Mitsunari's mead hall. Farewell, Lady Akihime." She snarled lowly. Her eyes suddenly turned gold ans her body began to morph into a more lupine form. She bared her fangs and growled as Akihime let out a ear splitting scream.
"Stop right there!" Yukimura was standing in the doorway of the open cell, both swords drawn and pointed at Freya. "By the order of the Jarl, stop right there!" He demanded. "How dare you take on someone who is not armed, or even in armor!"
Freya turned and glared with sharp feral eyes, eyes longing for the thrill of a kill. "Do not get in my way, Thane." Her voice was deep with a low growl. "R-Run, Master Sanada, onegai! Hiricine guides her blade and grants her power beyond measure!" Akihime pleaded, "Leave me to die, please! Save yourself!"
"I will do no such thing!" He took a stance and faced Freya. "Come! I wish to test your strength against mine!"
She turned fully towards him, towering over him, "Very well, Thane." "No!! Master Sanada!" Akihime moved forward but Freya kicked her back like she was nothing. Freya roared loudly at Yukimura, ears folded back and claws extended.
Yukimura raised his blades, blocking her claws and slashing for her knees, scowling softly. "Akihime-dono! Please stay out of the way!"
Freya slashed hard against his swords and Akihime whimpered weakly. The werewolf slashed at Yukimura's hand and knocked one of his swords away and forced it to fly into the wall before she kicked him and sent him flying, "Master Sanada!" Akihime called and tried to run over but Freya grabbed her in a death grip
Yukimura winced and grabbed his sword with both hands, charging Freya, a red aura engulfing him.
Freya swatted him away before wrapping her hands around Akihime's throat, creatig a vice on her windpipe. Akihime wheezed and struggled to breathe. "Its useless, Thane," Freya stated, "Those Dwemer toothpicks can't hope to pierce my hide." "Then I wonder how well Silver will do." Sasuke's voice sounded. He stood at the entrance to the cell block nearest to Yukimura, smirking at the silver sword in his hand. Freya's eyes widened and she actually grew nervous. "Sorry I took so long, dana. I requested Eorland Grey-Mane to forge this as swiftly as the Skyforge would allow." He sounded to smug.
Yukimura staggered back to his feet, a cut on his cheek bleeding. "Sasuke..!" He looked surprised the ninja had actually shown up. "Sasuke, quick, the sword!" He held out his hand so he could catch it when Sasuke tossed it to him.
Sasuke threw it so it was easy enough to catch and Freya dropped Akihime, "No!" She tried to run forward to get to the blade first but was not fast enough in her lumbering bipedal form.
Yukimura gripped the blade hilt and spun, swinging with ease and slicing through Freya's neck, blood splattering him, the wall, and Akihime in the process, a look of rage flashing across his face.
Freya gripped her throat a gave a wet sounding death gurggle, dropping to her knees, "M-My Lord...Hiricine...I-I come to a-aid...your hunt..." She barely managed before she fell dead. Akihime wiped away the blood quickly, careful not to get any blood in her mouth
Yukimura wiped the blood from his own face and turned to Sasuke. "Thank you Sasuke, without you, I don't think I would have lasted much longer."
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