Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya glanced back and noticed Sasuke gaining on her, heavy bags under her eyes. She growled lowly and sped up, digging into her clothes and pulling out a smoke bomb, throwing it down and closing her eyes as well as covering her nose and mouth. Speeding through the red smoke, she made her way through the swamp skirting Morthal, eyes watering from the tear gas.
Sasuke ground his teeth and moved around the fast growing gas. Or tried to; the smoke bellowed quickly in his face and those of his initiates. They coughed and wheezed and Sasuke gave a disapproving noise. "Fall back. There's no point in continuing after her. She'll be gone before we have time to catch up."
Amaya stumbled into Solitude and made her way through the back alleyways to the castle dour. Making her way up to the throne room, she kneeled before Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu. She must've looked terrible, hair loose around her shoulders and covered in scratches with one arm limp at her side. "Mitsunari-sama, forgive me... The Takeda were more tricky than I expected."
She kept her gaze down. "H-Hai..." She nodded, biting her lip. "Please forgive me Mitsunari-sama."
Amaya shrunk back and shifted nervously. "I-I deemed it an emergancy... Akihime-dono is in trouble.. She is being held as a prisoner due to my mistake."
"Please forgive me, Mitsunari-sama, I will not fail you again, but please, send someone to retrieve Akihime-sama."
Amaya swallowed hard. "Yes, I believe our best action now is to retrieve Akihime-sama."
Amaya wheezed with every kick, but didn't try to fight back. One kick caught her broken hand and she nearly passed out, seeing white.
Mitsunari stopped and calmed himself, his housecarl too bedridden to help control his anger as per usual. He waved Amaya away and sat back in his throne.
"Freya." Mitsunari called. A red haired Nord dressed in an amor made of what appeared to be wolf fur, Nordic steel boots and gauntlets and a silver moonston circlet entered and bowed lowly to him, "Yes, my Jarl?" "I need you to go to Whiterun and dispose of Akihime. Her usefulness has reached its end." He stated. She nodded and stood, "I shall depart immediately, my Jarl."
Amaya worked on healing herself, wincing as her broken bones healed. "Gomenasai... Aki-chan..."
Freya moved passed Amaya's room as she went to grab her gear from the spare room Mitsunari gave her. Her gear consisted of a simple Daedric sword and shield and that's how she liked it. She knelt before a wolf totem and prayed to Hiricine for a fruitful hunt before heading off to Whiterun.
Amaya followed her, though looking like a beaten dog, she kept a good distance, making sure she was always downwind of her.
Amaya moved through the marsh, but not as fast as she usually could, exhausted and in pain. Stopping in the thick trees of Morthal, she crumbled into snow, appearing inside Dragonsreach and slipping up to the Greatporch, falling to her knees. "Sarutobi... I know I am in no position to ask of any favors... But please." She bowed deeply to him. "I will turn myself in and cooperate to every degree if you keep Akihime-sama safe, her life is in danger."
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