Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I refuse!" She rose her voice, brows furrowed in anguish before turning and grabbing the keys from one of the guards, "Hey!" He gasped but she ignore him, unlocking her door and moving in quickly. She rushed to her friend and hugged her tight, sobbing weakly
Amaya stiffened before pulling away and turning around, smacking Akihime hard across the face. "You don't belong here, now leave before you get into more trouble than you're worth."
Akihime stumbled back and yelped in pain, holding her red cheek. She looked to Amaya in disbelief before getting up and leaving, completely defeated. She stopped, however, when she bumped into someone and looked. That someone just happened to be Sasuke. "What were you doing in there with her?" He asked firmly. Akihime stumbled over her words, "I-I was-" "Do you know her?" He growled. Akihime shrunk away from him but refused to answer. He grabbed her arm roughly and shook her, making her gasp in pain, "Answer me!" "H-Hanase, Sasuke-san!" She whimpered
Amaya looked about ready to charge Sasuke, but someone else got there before him. "Sasuke." Yukimura put a hand on his shoulder, frowning softly with disappointment. "Let her go."
"M-Master Sanada! Ah!" Sasuke had thrown her to the ground and she whined softly, "She's conspiring with this assassin, dana. She needs to be dealt with." He hissed. Akihime hiccuped and sniffed, still crying a bit from Amaya's harshness towards her.
"Do you have any proof of this? Treason is a mighty big accusation, especially if you have no proof." "Ah, I see, this is the man who's dick you fantisize about sucking." Yukimura blinked and looked at the woman, then Sasuke, cheeks red. "Nani..?"
Sasuke growled and reached for his Ebony bow, "Why you-!" "No!" Akihime grabbed his wrist, "Don't hurt her!" "Let go of me!" Sasuke grabbed a fist full of her hair and she wailed in pain, letting him go and holding very still. Her hair was tangled in the joints of his gauntlets, making it very painful to move. Sasuke was growing very annoyed, which caused him to forget the most important rule of his training: show no emotion for anyone or anything.
Amaya simply stared as Yukimura cut Akihime free apologizing about her hair. "Akihime-dono, please leave the jail at once, this woman has been taken in under many allegations, and you cannot meddle in this afair."
"I-I'm not leaving." She said weakly. Sasuke was fuming silently as he tried to seem calm. "Get. Out." He snarled. Akihime stood her ground and glared. "I'm not leaving." She repeated. Sasuke reacted before he could even think. His hand swung out and struck her across the cheek, the points of the fingers on his gauntlets cutting her cheek and leaving four fine lines across the pale skin. She cried out and hit the ground, trying to brace herself against the floor so she wouldn't hit her head. Blood blossomed from the cuts and ran down her cheek in a steady stream.
Amaya just about lost it before Yukimura could, giving away the fact that she knew Akihime. Launching at Sasuke she tackled him to the ground, smashing her bound fists into his face repeatedly, barring her teeth in anger.
Sasuke could barely register what was happening the first couple hits before he caught her fist and nearly crushed her hand, "So, you two do know each other." Sasuke hissed, pushing up and knocking Amaya back. Throwing her in the cell, he tossed Akihime in there, too, and locked it tight. "There. Two problems solved."
"Sasuke!" Yukimura protested, shocked about the entire ordeal. "You have no right to throw her into jail..! Simply knowing someone is no means for incarceration!" Amaya stumbled back and held her hand against her chest, a few bones in her hand were definitely broken.
"She's an accomplice." Sasuke stated before heading out of the dungeon. Akihime sat far away from Amaya, keeping away from her like she had wanted.
Yukimura followed Sasuke out. "What proof do you have, Sasuke? The fact that she was speaking to her?" Amaya moved away from Akihime, sitting in the far corner and holding her broken hand, staring silently at the wall.
"She hugged her and was slapped before being told to leave before she got in trouble. They're hiding something." Sasuke hissed. "G-Gomenasai..." Akihime hiccuped weakly, "F-For whatever I did to you...I'm s-so sorry, Ama-chan...." She trembled as she held her bleeding cheek, not even caring to tend to it as her tears mixed with her blood. "I-I've messed up so many times already and I've only been away f-from Solitude for a bit longer than a week...everyone must b-be so ashamed of me...!"
Amaya lowered her head. "Please heal your cheek, Akihime-sama, you're getting blood on your dress." She said softly. Yukimura frowned heavily, clenching his fists. "We still should have asked Akihime-dono respectfully.
"I-I don't care about my damned dress..." She muttered, "I deserved every single strike and I deserve to bleed for messing up everything and failing Mitsunari-sama and Otou-sama..." Sasuke narrowed his eyes, "Neither of them deserve respect. I'm informing Shingen of the situation and he will deal with them."
Amaya stood up and moved over to Akihime, crouching in front of her and gripping her chin in her good hand. "Heal your face, Akihime-sama." She said darkly, though there was a small flicker of concern in Amaya's eyes. Yukimura followed, stuck between a rock and a hard place, going before his lord.
Akihime averted her gaze, "Why should I...? You don't care..." She muttered. Shingen sat at his throne, glancing at Sasuke and Yukimura when they came in, "Sasuke? Yukimura? Has something happened?"
"Unless you wish for me to break both of my wrists getting out of these chains, you will heal yourself now." She said. Yukimura said nothing, he had no proof of Akihime's innocence, and honestly, he didn't know anymore.
Akihime bit her lip and used a small bit of Restoration magic to heal her cuts, "G-Gomen...." Sasuke bowed, "Jarl, we believe that Akihime is conspiring with an assassin we've recently captured. She refuses to give us the information to prove her innocence but she and the assassin are clearly allied with each other." "Is this true, Yukimura?" Shingen asked
Yukimura avoided his lords gaze, but nodded. "Yes, M'lord... It is.." He answered, frowning heavily. "But if she is truly conspiring with this assassin or not has not been proven. We have no solid evidence either of them wish to take your life."
"Akihime-dono does not deserve this sort of treatment! She is a guest of the Takeda, not a criminal!" He protested. Amaya returned to her corner, sitting down away from Akihime.
"She is no longer a guest if she was sent to kill me?" "What if she killed the real Akihime and took her armor?" Sasuke asked Yukimura, "That's what I would do.."
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