Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Well it's comforting to know you would kill me and wear my clothes." Yukimura mumbled. "But Akihime has given us no such reason to believe she is an assassin."
Shingen looked to Sasuke and the ninja nodded before disappearing. He reappeared in front of the cell Akihime and Amaya were in and the former looked up, "Sasuke-san?" "Jarl Shingen wants to see you both." He stated
"I didn't think the Jarl took the audience of an assassin." Amaya said coldly, not moving.
Amaya scowled heavily before standing, heading towards the cage door; broken hand heavily bruised.
Amaya hissed in pain when he pulled on the chain, the metal digging into the broken bones of her hand and making her see white spots. Yukimura averted his gaze as Akihime entered the room, shame clear on his face.
"Otani Akihime. You are accused of being this assassin's accomplice. What say you in your defense?" Shingen asked. Akihime kept her gaze down, "N-Not guilty..."
"I am not affiliated with this woman, I work for her father." Amaya spoke up, knowing if Mitsunari found out, she'd be put to the block, but she wasn't about to let Akihime get the short end of the stick.
"I was her protector when she was younger yes, but our ties are no longer now that she is an adult and on her own." She explained.
Shingen looked to Akihime and saw that these words hurt her. He scowled softly and nodded to Sasuke, who smirked and pulled out his ebony dagger. He moved to Akihime and she grew panicked, looking away when he moved the blade forward. When she felt no pain, she looked and saw he was holding out the blade to her. "To prove you are loyal to us, you must kill the assassin." "N-Nani!?" Akihime gasped
Amaya looked at Akihime, frowning heavily, she knew what had to be done. Amaya stood and moved forward with lightening quick reflexes, impaling herself onto the ebony dagger. She ground her teeth and pulled herself off the dagger, blood blooming from her stomach before she fell to her knees, blood dripping from her lips.
"AMAYA!!" Akihime screeched in terror, rushing over and using Healing Hands, "Baka!! Why did you do that!?" Akihime sobbed. She wailed when Sasuke yanked her away by her hair and cried more, "Let me go! I have to heal her! Onegai, Sasuke-san!" "Urusai!!" Sasuke spat and she shut up instantly, whimpering weakly
Yukimura clenched his fists hard and averted his eyes, it paining him to see such heartbreak, even if the kunoichi was going to assassinate his lord. Amaya hacked up blood and struggled to focus her eyes on Akihime. "F-Finish your duties here... And return home.." She said weakly, pressing a hand over the wound on her stomach.
Amaya shuddered, eyes falling closed as she fell still, just before she crumpled into snow.
"A-Ama!" "Be still." Sasuke growled before looking to Shingen, "She escaped. Should I send a detachment to look for her?" "Make it so. Yukimura, take Akihime back to the dungeon." Shingen said
Yukimura furrowed his brows, but nodded solemnly. "Hai." He moved over and took Akihime, leading her away gently. "Please forgive me, Akihime-dono." He said softly. Amaya leapt through the trees as fast as she could, leaving a trail of blood behind her as she went, panting heavily as she went, dark circle under her eyes. She only stopped momentarily to dislocate her wrist of her broken hand, yanking the cuff off and relocating her wrist before she continued on, using a healing spell on herself to close the wound.
Akihime hiccuped as she followed him, not saying a word. She saw how ashamed and disappointed he was, she couldn't bear to look at him now. Sasuke and his initiates moved through the trees with ease, Sasuke having an unreadable expression
((Is that unreadable expression murderous rage~?))

Amaya continued on, making her way back towards Solitude, keeping to the shadows and moving as fast as she could, but she had already lost quite a bit of blood. She nearly fell out of the trees a few times, but she caught herself, making her way closer and closer to Morthal.
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