Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Was your father a bastard bearer? Or perhaps he took his own life at the sight of the child born from a whore." She settled her eyes on him, knowing she found a way under his skin.
Amaya turned her head away, fixing her eyes on the far wall. "How many times a day do you fantisize about your master?"
He ground his teeth and slammed the door behind him. Akihime heard the commotion from her window and peeked out, "Sasuke-san?" "I'm fine. The new prisoner just touched a raw nerve." "New prisoner??" Akihime blinked and hurried to go see.
Amaya pulled the last of her broken mask from her face, revealing two long, deep scars that ran from the corners of her mouth to her cheekbones. Shifting so her back was facing the cell door, she looked over the bindings on her wrists, which looked rather difficult to break.
Amaya stiffened at th sound of Akihime's voice, turning her head to look at Akihime, frowning heavily, which pulled on the deep scars that ran up her face.
Akihime ran to the cell and gripped the bars of the door, "Ama-chan! I-Its you, its really you!" Tears of joy filled her eyes, "I-I missed you so much...!"
Amaya slowly turned her head away, Akihime's words making her heart ache. "... You shouldn't be here..."
"Don't say such things, of course I should be here! Why are you here...!? What are Mitsunari-sama and Otou-sama doing in my absence...!?" She was so full of questions, sinking to her knees, "Wha...What happened to your beautiful face, Ama-chan...?"
"Please refrain from speaking their names, and also refrain from speaking to me as though you know me, Akihime-sama." She said softly, not looking back and not answering any more of her questions.
Akihime's eyes widened, feeling like Amaya had stabbed her in the heart, "A...Ama-chan..." She muttered. Tears spilled down her cheeks, "D-Did I do something wrong...? D-Did I upset you or Mitsunari-sama and Otou-sama...?"
"Your father is well, and expecting a full report." She said. "Please leave before Sarutobi returns. I do not wish to put you in harms way."
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