Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((*ditches Motochika*))

In the early hours of the morning, a loud rumble sounded in the sparse trees that overlooked Whiterun, a small explosion could be seen coming from the trees, catching a few on fire. A limp figure hung from a tree, tangled in ropes with her cloak smoldering, in a daze and ears bleeding, her white hair singed and hanging over the half-broken mask that concealed her face.
She glared down at him, only being able to read his lips since her ears were still ringing. His face was handsome but he was annoying. He was able to see part of her face was her eyes and forehead. "Urusai.." She said weakly, cursing to herself when she spotted her pack of tools on the ground at Sasuke's feet.
Amaya bit back a remark, turning her head away, slowly working on untangling one arm from the ropes.
"By order of the Jarl, you are under arrest." Sasuke said, appearing to clap her in irons. He untangled her and pulled her free, "Let's go." He said and pulled her inside
Amaya followed him inside, stumbling half the time as she was lead down to the jail cells.
Amaya leaned against the wall, sliding to the ground and looking at the chains that bound her wrists. They hard ward spells, like most iron claps did, so she couldn't even use healing magic, instead, she closed her eyes.
Amaya didn't even open her eyes, frowning softly behind what was left of her mask; as if she would tell him her name.
Again, no answer. Amaya simply sat cross-legged against the wall, white lashes hiding blue hues when her eyes opened slightly.
"The hole as to which you slithered out of... It was filled by many men, wasn't it?" She spoke softly, slowly meeting his gaze.
She made a satisfied sound, as though she were smiling, eyes closing once again. "Next question?" She asked tauntingly.
"How long were you in that orphanage before you killed all those people?" She responded, not opening her eyes.

((Yeah, she did her research.))
"Hm." She opened her eyes, but only to scan the room, a soft scowl hidden beneath her mask.
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