Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"It would have been better than this." She muttered, grabbing a new piece of string, and starting to sew up the slit again, this time, making sure her back was to him.
"Like what?" She asked, not taking her eyes off her work, though she sounded as though he had tread onto thin ice.
"If she found you in here dead? Just think of those pretty eyes just filling with tears as she gripped your cold lifeless corpse and begged you to wake up. She would do all that she could to revive you but it would be in vain, making her cry harder and louder until Yukimura had to pull her off of you. Then she would start kicking and screaming because she didn't want to leave your side." His eyes were cold and uncaring
A cold rush of wind smacked Sasuke in the face, the touch of metal against his jugular. Amaya slammed him into the wall and pinned him by his neck with the blade pressed hard into his flesh, but not hard enough to dig too deep into his flesh. Her cold, dark eyes met his and she bore her teeth at him. "Never speak her name again." She hissed.
Amaya's eyes flared and she brought the dagger away from his neck, swinging hard and aiming the point for his face. "Silence your tongue!"
Sasuke moved just in time, "Don't like hearing her name leave this viperous mouth of mine~? Because it sounds damn pretty when I say it. Aaakihiiimeee~"
Amaya grew more and more enraged, aiming attacks for his throat and eyes. "You do not deserve to speak her name!" She snapped.
Sasuke's smirk suddenly grew very dark, "I wonder~ since you both are so close, I'd like to know just how close~ did you get the chance to moan her name like I have~?"
Amaya felt cold rage seize her body and she slammed the dagger hard into his upper arm, pressing him hard into the wall. "Urusai!!"
Sasuke hissed in pain and grabbed her hard around her throat before throwing her aside. He removed the dagger and tossed it to the ground, "That was a raw nerve I touched, I think...~" He commented, "But, you still didn't answer my question~"
Amaya got back to her feet, glaring death. "Shut your mouth you dirty orphan; son of a whore elf." She growled. "If you have defiled Akihime-sama, I will send you to meet your harlot mother in the Void."
Sasuke's eyes flashed and he grabbed her by her throat, squeezing tight, "You listen here, you worthless pile of mumified dragon shit; I'll make a very simple but very deadly truce. Don't ever talk about my mother like that again and I won't speak poorly of Otani in your presence. Deal?"
Amaya struggled to breath, gripping his wrist tightly, letting out a strangled noise that could have been a yes, but she couldn't exactly talk.
Once back in her cell, Amaya moved to the bed and sat down, still coughing heavily as she laid down and covered herself with the fur blanket.
Meanwhile, later that night, Akihime watched Yukimura as he continued to wait for Masamune. "Master Sanada, please, its getting late, you should sleep...! You'll be too tired to fight if you don't rest."
Yukimura hadn't moved an inch since he had gotten there. "I will rest later, Akihime-dono, don't you worry about me." He said, eyes still glued to Riften.
Akihike frowned softly. He didn't even move to eat when she had made dinner for them. She stood and moved over, placing a fur blanket over his shoulders, "It gets cold at night here in the Rift...if you won't rest, at least stay warm so you don't get sick before battle.." She said gently
Akihime smiled softly and nodded before moving to her bed roll. She laid down and closed her eyes, soon drifting off to a dreamless sleep
In the morning, Yukimura still stood where he was left when Akihime fell asleep, still staring at Riften and covered in morning dew.
Akihime awoke and sat up, stretching her sore muscles and looking to find Yukimura. She looked startled to see him still standing in his spot, "Master Sanada, really...!? You didn't sleep at all...!?"
Yukimura turned to look at Akihime. "I could not sleep last night, so I decided to wait and see if Masamune-dono would arrive early."
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