Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura frowned, but didn't push it. Right now they were both exhausted and their nerves were frayed; he need sleep badly. "Hai.."
Yukimura nodded and sat down in the chair, resting his head against the wall and closing his eyes, falling into slumber.
Yukimura opened his eyes and sat up, stifling a yawn and rubbing his neck. "Hai.." He stood up, straightening himself out. "Let's go."
Akihime nodded and left the inn with him to go meet Falion at the circle. The mage looked up from where he was standing, nodding to them as they approached. "Good, you're here." He said and gestured to the circle. Akihime stood in the middle and looked around
"Not relatively." He answered. He cleared his throat and faced Akihime "I call upon the Oblivion realms. The home of thise who are not our ancestors. Answer my plea! As in death there is new life, in Oblivion there is a beginning for that which has ended. I call forth that power! Accept the soul that we offer!" He held up the soul gem and it began to glow and crack, light spilling from the breaks in the gem. Akihime began to feel dizzy, swaying slightly as she held her head. "As the sun ends the night, end the darkness of this soul, return life to the creature you see before you!" Falion implored and the gem shattered, the light zooming towards Akihime and entering her body. She gasped loudly in pain as a black and red mist was forced from her person. Her body shuddered and trembled, eyes returning to their rusty hue before she dropped to the ground, losing consciousness. Falion crossed his arms, "The ritual is complete."
"Akihime-dono!" The sound of Yukimura rushing forward sounded far off, and soon it was nothing but silence.

The young woman pushed Akihime against the headboard, kissing her deeply as she tangled her scarred fingers through her long, silken hair. She sat in her lap, straddling her hips with her eyes closed, a soft moan sounding from her mouth.
Amaya pulled away and started kissing down her neck, growling softly when she reached Akihime's dress. Moving off of her hips she started to pull the dress over Akihime's head, continuing to kiss down to her chest, leaving a trail of bite marks as she went, hand slipping into Akihime's undergarments.
Amaya took one of Akihime's supple breasts and licked the pert nipple, deep blue eyes half lidded as she teased Akihime's clit.
((When Mitsunari finds them, is he gonna flip his bitch?))

Amaya left a small bruise on her breast before moving down her stomach slowly, kissing and licking her soft, pale skin. "Akihime-sama, you can't be so loud." She said softly, biting her hip gently.
Amaya continued to tease her, finally reaching where she wanted. Quickly disguising Akihime's panties, she began to slowly lick between the wet folds, nails digging into her thighs.
Akihime moaned softly, trying to keep quiet. She knew there would be marks on her pale skin where Amaya's nails were, but she didn't mind.
Amaya teased Akihime's clit with slow licks from her skilled tongue, slowly pushing two fingers into her womanhood.
Amaya let out a soft moan herself, moving her fingers slowly at first, but gradually started to work them faster, curling her fingers inside of Akihime's warmth.
Amaya worked her fingers faster, swirling small circles with her tongue against Akihime's clit, feeling her own womanhood ache at Akihime's moans.
After Amaya licked the juices from Akihime's wet folds, she sat up, licking her fingers clean as she waited for Akihime to come down from her climax. She watched Akihime with soft blue eyes, admiration and loving showing overwhelmingly in them.
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