Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura nodded, leading her to the inn, paying for a room and leading her inside, quickly snuffing out the candle.
Akihime reached into her bag and pulled out the black soul gem, "Here...fill this with the soul of someone you deem unworthy of life...I will wait here for you..."
Yukimura nodded grimly and took the black crystal, leaving the inn and going out to find some bandits, though he was against killing those who hadn't yet harmed him, he had to do this.
Akihime watched him leave from the window before sighing and reaching into her pack, grabbing a length of rope and tying it to a beam in the ceiling. She had written a note hours before she had stormed Whiterun, leaving it in her pack; it said that if the note was being read, she was either slain or she had finally killed herself and she implored that the reader to tell Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari that she was sorry she had failed. Standing on a chair and making sure the noose was tight around her neck, she kicked the chair hard and hung from the ceiling. She blinked, not feeling anything. Her lungs did not beg for air and she didn't feel her neck snap. She suddenly became very embarrassed as she turned and swung slowly. She was stuck, and could not get down.
Yukimura returned not to long after, having been ambushed by bandits on the road, he was able to fill the gem easily. He pushed the key into the lock and unlocked the door, entering and stopping in the doorway, a look of horror on his face as he saw Akihime's corpse hanging from the rafters. No, she was still alive. "Akihime-dono!" He gasped, realizing she had tried to kill herself.
((*surpresses her laughter*))

"Oh!" Akihime slowly turned to face him, cheeks flush in humiliation, "Master Sanada, you're back...! H-How did filling the soul gem go? I trust you were successful?"
Yukimura quickly closed the door and drew his sword, cutting her down with one quick slash. "What were you doing..!?" He scolded, catching her before she fell to the floor.
"You know what happens why you try to die..!" He scolded harshly, but only concern was in his voice, he wasn't angry or disgusted. "Akihime-dono, promise me you will never try something like that again..!"
Yukimura frowned and nodded. "We should head over straight away." He said, helping her stand.
"I was so worried you had really taken your life.." He said. "I'm just glad you are alive."
Yukimura winced but nodded. "Sorry." He spoke softly as he opened the door to see the Mage that would cleanse Akihime of her vampirism.
((*has all the dialog needed* Ha ha!))

Akihime shook her head softly before they approached Falion. The Reguard mate looked to them and glared, "If you're here to ask about sacraficing children or eating hearts-!" "N-No, not at all!" Akihime interrupted, waving her hands madly
Yukimura seemed a bit surprised by his statement, but quickly got to the point. "We, um, are in need of your assistance." He said quiet enough so only the three of them heard.
"Spit it out, boy, I don't have all day." He hissed. Akihime glanced at him briefly with her glowing eyes and he looked a little startled before composing himself. "We heard you're an expert in vampirism." She said. He folded his arms, "I know many things. I have studied things beyond the reach of most humans, traveled the Oblivion planes, seen things one should not see." He answered. Akihime played with her hair, "I'm looking for a cure." "It requires a black soul gem. You will have to kill someone."
"We already have one." Yukimura dug the black soul gem from his small pack and held it out for Falion. "I have payment as well."
"Payment is not needed. Just the gem. Meet me at the summoning curcle in the marsh at dawn. We shall banish the creature you have become." He said. Akihime looked relieved as he took the gem from Yukimura. "Thank you, serah.." She said gratefully
Yukimura nodded, turning to face Akihime. "We should get to the inn to wait for morning.." He said.
Yukimura took her back to the inn and closed the door behind Akihime once she entered their room, sighing softly and sitting down. "You need to feed again."
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