Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura's eyes widened, having been momentarily stunned, but he shook it off quickly. "What are you doing..!?" He swung his sword at Sasuke, but only to force him back so he could move in front of Akihime. "She isn't hurting anyone! Look around! Do you see any injured civilians!?" He leveled his swords at Sasuke's chest. "She's done no wrong and needs our help, are we really going to turn her away?"
"It doesn't matter!! Look at her!! She's suffering!! She needs to die!!" Sasuke spat. Akihime made a weak noise that sounded like content, "Tired...so tired...all I want...is to sleep..." She muttered. One of the initiates grew scared and nocked an arrow on his bow, aiming for Akihime. Another initiate tried to stop him but ended up forcing his arrow to fly towards Yukimura. Akihime's golden eyes flashed and she moved with inhuman speed, shielding Yukimura with her body and taking the arrow right in the middle of her chest. She ground her teeth hard, biting back a wail of pain as her body trembled and shook. Sasuke's angered gaze landed on the idiot initiate who fired the arrow and he drove his dagger into the man's abdomen, hitting a vital artery.
"Akihime-dono!" Yukimura stared at her in surprise, catching her when she stumbled and holding her gently in his arms. "She needs a healer." He ground out, rolling back his sleeve and pushing his wrist under her chin. "You need to drink, it's been days." He said firmly. "Akihime-dono, please accept my blood..!"
"Don't you even-!" Before Sasuke could finish, Akihime bit down hard on his wrist, drinking heartily the crimson elixir that pumped through Yukimura's veins. She gulped it down greedily before Sasuke pinched a nerve that forced her to release him. She fell on her side, still weak and hungry, breathing labored. Sasuke wrapped up Yukimura's wrist before throwing her onto the dead initiate, watching in disgust as she engorged herself.
Yukimura collapsed to his knees, pressing down on his bleeding wrist to stop the bleeding, not meeting Sasuke's eyes. "We need to get a specialist.. They can help her."
"She needs our help." He repeated, standing up and moving over to Akihime, who was just finishing draining the head associate. "Akihime-dono... We need to take you to someone... Someone who can heal you.. Perhaps the Greybeards? They are wise, perhaps they know of one who can?"
Akihime moved away and sat on the ground carefully removing the arrow from her chest with a whine. "N-No...not the Graybeards...they would utter their disgust and my bones would break by the sheer force of the words...no, we need to go to Morthal...their is a mage there that can help...we need a filled black soul gem, though..." "How do you know?" Sasuke asked. Akihime tried to fix her hair, "The innkeeper in Winterhold told me..." "An innkeeper?"
"It's the best lead we have right now..." He let out a breath. "Sasuke, you must let me leave." He pleaded.
Sasuke ground his teeth, "Jarl Shingen will have my head for this. But fine. Go." He hissed. Akihime frowned at Sasuke's hostility, "I'll be sure to have Jarl Mitsunari grant you high standing here in-" "Go, dammit!" Sasuke snapped, making her flinch
Yukimura bowed to Sasuke. "I will explain to him upon my arrival." He promised before he grabbed Akihime by her wrist and hurried to leave.
Yukimura hesitated. "No.. But we need to make a stop in Winterhold before we go to Morthal." He said, heading to the carriage.
"We have no other choice, the chances merchants will have them are slim, and we don't have time to go to vender to vender." He stated, paying the carriage driver and getting in.
It took them a good day or so to get there, and Yukimura left the carriage as soon as it arrived in the snowy town. "Please wait at the carriage, Akihime-dono, I'll return shortly." He requested before hurrying off to the college. It took almost an hour before Yukimura returned, a black soul gem in his possession. "Alright, now we head for Morthal." He said, the cart lurching as the horse started forward.
Yukimura cleared his throat, shifting awkwardly, unsure of how to start conversation. "So..."
He flinched, avoiding eye contact, but not because her eyes were glowing, but because he was embarrassed. He really didn't have anything to talk about. "H-How are you feeling?"
Yukimura frowned, of course she didn't feel ok. Rubbing the back of his head, he glanced at her. "I will make sure you're cured, Akihime-dono. I will not rest until I do."
When they arrived in Morthal, it was early morning, the sun just starting to rise. Yukimura paid the carriage driver and turned to Akihime. "You haven't fed for a while, you need to." He said quietly so only she could hear.
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