Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana laid still, trying to catch her breath, the cannon fire ringing in her ears. "Gomenasai... Aniki..." She looked up at him, guilt weighing heavily on her. "None of the other men made it..."
"We'll avenge them, Nana, don't fret...you just relax now while I deal with the vile bilge rat what wronged you." He told her. He stood and moved around her, "Take her to my cabin to recover! I have some business to take care of." "You, Captain!" His Elite Guard cheered before helping Nana away
Nana limped away with the help of two men, collapsing on the bed her and Motochika shared pulling off her wet clothes with shaking hands and curling up under the thick fur blanket.

Yukimura returned to the inn, holding a few books in his hand. He looked groggy and was paler than usual, neck wrapped in bandages. "I'm back..." Yukimura entered the room, closing the door behind him.
Motochika continued his assault, aiming to avenge his wife and fallen comrades

"Welcome back, Master Sanada." Sasuke's none-too-happy tone was what greeted Yukimura when he entered. Akihime was on the bed with her head down, eyes to the floor in shame; Sasuke stood beside her with his arms folded over his chest and a disapproving scowl on his face
Yukimura looked stunned to see Sasuke there, frowning softly. "Sasuke, I thought you were back in Whiterun?" He set the books on the table, adjusting the cloak around his shoulders.
"I was until I saw you both drop off your horses and leave for Winterhold." He said firmly. He then pointed an accusing finger at Akihime, eyes not leaving Yukimura, "When did you plan on telling us - or me, for that matter - that she is a vampire."
Yukimura swallowed the lump in his throat. "Sasuke... This is only a... Minor setback." He looked nervous. "I'm working on curing her vampirism , I just need a little longer."
Yukimura clenched his fists. "I'm not going back. Not yet, I can't." He said firmly, though his voice was weak.
"Sanada-san...i-its ok...I-I can continue on my own." "Damn right you will. Pack your things, Master, we have to get you back to Whiterun before you turn, as well." Sasuke stated
"I'm not leaving." He said again, this time more firmly. "I promised Akihime-dono I would help her, and I do not intend to break my promise."
Akihime blushed faintly and Sasuke fumed, pulling out a simple ebony dagger instead of his Blade of Woe, charging at Yukimura. Akihime jumped up, "Sasuke-san!"
Yukimura couldn't draw his swords inside the small room, so instead he took Sasuke on barehanded, narrowly avoiding the attack and gripping his wrist, twisting it to the side to disarm him. But Yukimura was still weak from his last feeding.
"Stop!" Akihime grabbed Sasuke's arm to help Yukimura, only to be shoved back hard, "Get away from me!" Sasuke snapped. She tumbled back and hit the ground, Sasuke flipping the blade and hitting Yukimura on the back of his head, "Sleep tight, Master."
Yukimura's vision grew hazy and his eyes closed as he collapsed to the ground, a soft groan escaping his lips.
Yukimura woke next in his bed, back of his head still throbbing. "Akihime... Dono..?" He groaned and sat up slowly.
Yukimura shot up, only to have his vision blur, still drowsy from giving Akihime quite a bit of blood. "Why?" He demanded.
"She isn't dangerous! She needs help, Sasuke! I cannot just leave her behind to fend for herself!" He said, standing up and heading toward the door
Sasuke gripped Yukimura's arm and easily tossed him back onto the bed, "Yeah, about that, see...Shingen wasn't too happy that you guys just went about doing your own thing without telling us, so you aren't allowed to leave. The guards will bring you back should you attempt to escape."
"Sasuke, she is a comrade and the daughter Yoshitsugu-dono! We cannot just up and leave her when things get difficult! I made an oath to protect those who need protecting, and I am not about to break that oath..!" He protested.
"She doesn't need any protection now, Master. She's a killer now, a monster. If anything, the guards will notice what she is and kill her; put her out of her misery." He replied
"She is not a killer if she has not killed anyone!" He stood up again, but made no move for the door. "I need to talk to my lord."
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