Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She ignored the comment. "They are both safe. I've made sure of that." There was a trace of agitation in her tone. "You will only cause trouble here."
She was silent, eyes studying him from behind her mask, which had frosted over slightly. Ice had also begun to build up in her hair, but it blended in easily. The woman had barely even moved under the heavy cloak when her hand shot out, ebony dagger aimed straight for his throat as she lunged in a direct attack, forcing him away from the porch steps.
Pushing Sasuke's dagger back, she maneuvered him so she could back him up into the street of destroyed homes, making sure to avoid his blade.
Sasuke scowled, keeping on the defensive, "If I'm not allowed to involve myself in their affairs, what makes you anymore eligable than I to stalk them?" He asked
She jumped back, flipping her blade so the point was pointed down, raising her hands in a defensive stance in case he did attack back. "I'm only making sure the Takeda don't stick their noses where they don't belong."
"And I cannot allow that for the time being-" She stopped, perking slightly and standing still for a few moments before sheathing her blade and standing up and tilting her head, almost as if listening to something. "Pardon me." She nodded to him and held up her hand, making a hand sign before her body turned to snow and crumpled to the ground, leaving no trace she was ever there.

((When shall we start Kojurou's kidnapping~?))
Sasuke looked confused before melting into the shadoe of a broken wood pillar, "Crazy woman..."


Kojurou walked through the peacefull autum forests of the Rift, enjoying the sounds of the forest. It was the only time Masamune would let him get away from his duties as Housekarl to relax
((Hella~ And soon Yuki will be confronted~))

It was silent for the most part, but still even as the calm day continued on, an ominous feeling settled over the grove he had just entered, spooking away a large elk in the process, not an uncommon sight. Then a branch behind him snapped, and the brush around him shook as ten people emerged from all around him, and they didn't look happy. "That was gonna be our next meal." A woman with white hair styled into a Mohawk rested her bow against her shoulder, scowling heavily. "And you just had to come out here and scare it off. You're gonna pay for that." She growled out, but she wasn't out for blood. Placing her bow on her back she nodded to the two large men behind Kojurou: a Nord with one eye and a slender Kajheet both seized Kojurou with surprising strength, while a short Redgaurd woman clubbed him over the head.

Before Kojurou could even argue, he had lost consciousness; his body went lax and was thankfully supported by the two holding him

When Kojurou came to next, the sun was setting and the sound of a fire crackled somewhere to his left. The voice of a woman was the only other sound besides the fire and shuffling of feet. "And so you took him captive?" Her tone was calm and smooth like honey, but it was scolding and firm like a mothers. "Ah.. Yes M'lady, it was a foolish mistake." It was the woman before, and she sounded nervous, even though the woman who had spoken earlier didn't sound all that angry, more of just disapointed. "Take the moose and start cleaning it, I will release him from his bindings and wait for him to wake, I have much explaining to do." "Yes M'lady." The slender woman turned, heading toward Kojurou, where he sat propped up against the side of the castle wall near the fireplace, tied to a stack of crates. Drawing her dagger, the woman crouched in front of him, cutting the ropes with a soft frown.
The woman with the soft voice entered the room just as the woman with the Mohawk left. "He's still out." "I would imagine so, Candriya hit him pretty hard." She said, making the woman with the Mohawk wince before leaving. "Faking unconscious may work for my newer recruits, but it will not cool me." She said, though she sounded more amused. "Please do not mistake us for bandits, I assure you we have not done this for blood or randsom, it was a mistake. Inexcusable, yes, but a mistake." She said, sitting on the wooden bench in front of the fire, making her golden armor gleam brightly. "Jingu desu." She held out a hand, staring at him with honey colored eyes.
"I wish we had met in better circumstances, but the fates did not intend it to be so." She said softly. She had hip-length Carmel-auburn hair that was braided into a single braid, her bangs tucked into a gold and ruby circlet with a small scar going over her lips. When she heard Kojurou's name, she grimaced slightly. "The Housekarl of Riften." She let go of his hand. "You'll have to forgive my warriors, they are a bit on edge with the war about."
Jingu nodded her head in thanks. "Come, I will show you the way out, you have only been out for twenty minutes or so." She said and stood.
"I'll send him word of the mistake and my apologies." She spoke softly as she led him to the entrance, which wasn't really all that far from the room Kojurou was in.

((Let's jump right in, shall we~?))

Nana made a soft noise as moved onto her captains lap, not breaking the kiss as she did so, one hand rested on his shoulder and one on his neck. "I really need to leave soon..." She murmured against his lips. "It's almost time for the raid." But she made no real effort to stop what they were doing.
Kojurou nodded, following her out, "You have my thanks.."

Motochika made a low noise, keeping her flush against him, "You've got time~ there's no real rush~"
Jingu gave him an apologetic look over her shoulder as she opened the door to go outside. "Riften is about a mile and a half northwest." She said, pointing out into turbo I forest.

Nana kissed down his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair. "You're right... But the clouds are covering the moon and that will help... Plus it's going to snow tonight..." She spoke against his skin, biting his neck gently.
Kojurou nodded and bowed to her, "Thank you again, my Lady..."

Motochika growled seductively, "True...but I don't feel like having you leave just yet~"
Jingu's cheeks flushed pink and she waved her hand dismissively. "Please, we are but Mercenaries, not royalty." She said, bowing back.

Nana pushed him back on the bed, pinning his shoulders, even though he could easily overpower her. "Nor I." She kissed down to his collarbone, trailing kisses down his chest and to his navel. She let out a soft breath, kissing his waistline as she worked on his belt, but before she could remove the belt, a knock came at the locked door. "Nana, it's time." One of the crew members had come searching for her when she didn't show up at the docks. She sighed and sat up, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'll be down in a minute." She called before looking to Motochika. "That's my cue, perhaps we should finish this when I come back?" She asked, but it wasn't really a question. Standing she moved over where her leather armor chest piece was, pulling it over her shirt she looked back at Motochika. "It'll be quick." She said, sticking her chain and sickle into her belt and pulling on her boots.
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