Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I still wish to give you the respect you deserve." He told her sincerely

Motochika moved and put his hands on her shoulders, "You had better come back, Nana..." He told her gently
Jingu smiled softly. "Thank you." She said. "If you ever need a hired hand, you know where to go."

Nana looked up from fixing the straps on her armor. "I always come back, don't worry about me, Motochika." She said, leaning up to kiss him softly before heading to the door.
((*cracks knuckles*))

Everything was going smoothly, most of the gaurds were lazy as usual and since this port was rarely visited by Motonari himself, it was lightly armed. Nana and the five men slipped in undetected and started to take as much supplies as they could. Then everything went wrong. The man walking beside Nana dropped to his knees suddenly, an arrow sprouting from his neck. "What a shame, and you pirates almost made it out the door, but alas, Motonari finally agreed to send me here to put you dirty scoundrels into place." A slender man was standing on a few crates, smiling coldly down at them, holding a bow. He had long black hair pulled into a ponytail. "Shit! Scatter!" "Ah-ah! I don't think so." Faster than Nana could even see, the man easily fired off five more arrows, hitting each man in the lower back. It didn't kill them, but it did paralyze them. "Bastard!" "Seize the whore, lock them all in the brig and return the cargo." He said, waving his hand and putting his bow on his back.
((Tis alright~!))

It had been nearly two weeks and not one of the men from Nana's raid had returned, not a single letter was sent, it was almost as if they had never even existed. But they had. Nana sat slouched in a cell, alone and dirty. She had lost some weight and her lips were dry and cracked, stomach growling loudly. She shivered hard and tried to warm her fingers with her breath, but it barely helped. She hadn't seen the man who had injured her comrades since the night she was captured, and one by one they were being picked off or simply freezing to death. She looked up when she heard someone approaching, bags under her eyes. "I think it's time for your present my dear~" It was the same man, but he had a guard with him, probably some thug by the looks of him. She scoffed softly and slowly stood, leaning against the wall for support. "Unless it's you laying your head on a chopping block... I don't want it." "Oh~ Such a feisty tongue." Once the door was unlocked, he entered and moved forward, Nana flinching when he reached out, caressing her cheek. "Too bad I can't cut it out of that whore mouth of yours and pickle it~" Nana ground her teeth, but a sudden hard slap to the cheek made her stagger and lose the glare. "Come now, we're only giving you a parting gift..! You should like it!" Without waiting, he grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her out of the cell, dragging her upstairs to where the forges were. Throwing her to the ground he pulled out a red hot brand, observing it before looking to the thug. "Hold her down." He said, the bald man instantly doing as told. Nana fought weakly but her limbs were heavy and sore from sitting in the cold for so long. She sucked in a breath when the man pulled up her shirt, stopping just below her breasts, and pressing the brand into her flesh. Nana tensed hard and a scream was torn from her throat, echoing her agony as tears came to her eyes. The pain was unbearable, and the poor woman fell unconscious in seconds, being swallowed up by darkness. When she next opened her eyes, the sound of sloshing water was the first thing she heard. The first thing she felt was the unbearable, raw burning on her side. Then she felt the chains. They were thick and wrapped all around her legs, attached to a large heavy anchor.
"So, Chosokabe~"
It was that man again, his voice was irritating but she was still struggling to come to full consciousness, so all she could do was groan.
"You have my offer, now choose: The whore, or your crew?"
Shit. She finally got her bearings, and realized where she was. Tied to the front of the ship. The man with the bow was standing just behind Nana on the deck, all canons aimed for the Fugaku, which was not all that far off.
"Damn you to Hell for using such cowardice!!" Motochika spat. He looked back at his crew, sorrow in his only remaining eye, "Arm the canons...do your best not to hit Nana." "A-Aniki...!" One gasped. Motochika looked torn and broken, but it had to be done. "Do as I say. I will so all that I can to save Nana should they send her to sea." His voice was calm so it wouldn't travel to the bastard with his woman; only his loyal crew could hear.
Nana smiled weakly and let her head hang, eyes closing. She was glad Motochika had chosen his crew, she was only one person, but to lose an entire crew would be a devastating blow to Motochika. "Very well." The man sighed softly and drew a dagger, he almost looked disappointed with Motochika's choice. With one quick cut he sent Nana dropping into the sea like a stone, the freezing water swallowing her up. Ice had started to form on the surface, but the anchor crashed through the ice easily, though the shattered ice tore at Nana's sides as she fell through the hole, but it simply tore her shirt. The water was freezing, and it nearly made Nana draw in a breath, sinking quickly to the bottom. Bubbles rose from her lips and she looked around, but it was too dark to see, and she was exhausted, in pain, and starving. Her eyelids started to droop and she knew what would come next. Up on the deck the man watched where Nana had disappeared under the ice, as if expecting a better show. "Motonari-sama couldn't make it here himself, but he sent me, Sasaki Daichi to send you a message. Your conquest is futile and you're fools to think you'll actually survive this war." He smiled mockingly. "Blow them to oblivion." He ordered his men, turning on his heel. "Don't bother with your little harlot, she was half dead when we threw her into the water anyway, and with the temperature of these waters, not even a healthy man could survive for very long."
Motochika downed a potion before diving into the frigid sea. The Resist Cold potion would protect him long enough to save Nana. Swimming with a swiftness only Motochika could manage, he reached Nana in no time. He used all his might to break the cold bitten chains, gathering her up and swimmin to the surface quickly. Above them, the canons from the Fugaku sounded, firing upon the enemy
Nana was limp in his arms, freezing cold and not breathing. Her black hair was plastered to her face and already ice had begun forming in her hair and on her clothes, not flinching at the loud firing of cannons. Daichi's ship was returning fire, but it still was much smaller than the Fukagku, which meant it was taking heavier hits.
Morochika hoisted the both of them back on board his ship, quickly moving to revive her, "Come on, Nana, wake up...!" He demanded, preforming cpr
Nana's lips were tinged blue and she was completely still, eyes closed.

((Flashback time~))

A young girl about the age of fourteen crouched in a tree, staring intently at the narrow path that lead to the small fishing village she lived in. Her hair was long and unkept, looking to never have been cut before and her eyes were as gray as storm clouds. She held onto the handle of the sickle, the chain haunting from her other hand in wait of any person who didn't belong in the village, a cold scowl on her face.
"Come on, dammit!!" Motochika growled, trying harder, "You swore to me you would never die!!"

A young man strode through to the village, an anchor tied to a chain on a metal pole taller than he was rested over his shoulder. His hair was white as the snow in Winterhold, his clothes looked to be simple tunic and breeches that bore a purple that only nobility seemed to wear. He had a simple eye patch over his eye - it looked to be the newest item on him, everything else was worn and faded
The young girl rose a thin eyebrow, letting him pass before jumping down from the tree, the chains on her weapon rattling as she followed him, keeping a close eye on him. "Oi... You don't live here, leave."
"Huh?" The young man looked back with his good eye filled with curiousity, "Oh, I know. Just came for supplies for my crew and I'll be off." He answered before starting to walk again
Before he could move any further, a weight the size of a tangerine flew by his head, grazing his cheek. The affects were nearly immediate, his fine cheekbone swelling slightly; it was definitely going to bruise. "You don't get it do you?" She growled, swinging the weight around easily, though it didn't weigh much, it would still kill you if used correctly. "We don't even have enough supplies for ourselves, let alone for you and your crew." She wasn't lying. Her clothes were dirty and threadbare, repaired numerous times with sack patches. "Get. Out."

((Nana was a troubled child~))
((I can tell~))

The teen scowled and turned, brandishing his anchor effortlessly, "Make me, boy." He sneered. He knew bery well that she was indeed female; he just wanted to see if the taunt gained a proper response.
Her cheeks flushed red and she bore her teeth at him, taking the bait. "I'm a girl!" She swung hard and sent the weight aimed right for his head, starting with long range attacks.
He moved out of the way, grinning widely, "Oh, really? Couldda fooled me! Aren't girls supposed to be," He made an hourglass shape with his hands, smirking, "curvier~?"

(( (=゚ω゚)ノ I hope this is ok~))
She growled lowly and yanked the chain back, snatching up the weight and moving in for a close range attack, her moves quick and fluid, almost like it was all she ever did. Up close he could see she was around fifteen and a little beat up, scars, scrapes, and bruises decorated her body, but her eyes stood out the most. They were full of anger, but they also showed fear. They glinted fierce light as she slashed upwards, but she had lost her cool by now, and was an easy target.
He blocked with the staff of his anchor and pushed back, swinging the anchor to scoop her up and drop her on her backside. He laughed and moved over, recalling the anchor to the shaft. "You fight well! A little reckless, but well...!" He said. He pointed the pointed tip of his anchor in her face, "I won't be taking much; just water from the river and maybe some healing supplies if you have them. And to make sure you don't go gunnin' for me once I turn around," He pulled the anchor back and cut her from one cheek to the other, right across the bridge of her nose, "That should keep you occupied til I'm done."
Nana sat stunned, blood running down her face and dripping onto her shirt. She had been disarmed and grounded in a mere second. This was no bandit thug. "Wait...!" She stared up at him. "What's... What's yer name?"
"Nana desu." She introduced herself, still in awe of the boy before her.

Nana's eyes flew open and she gagged, rolling onto her side and coughing up the water that had been in her lungs, one hand gripping Motochika's pant leg.
"Nana...pretty name fer a beautiful woman..." He had said.

"Nana!!" Motochika gripped her hand, letting her get the water from her lungs before he did anything else, "By the Divines, woman, you had me right awful scared!!"
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